1. A shift in Time

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~ "Time can be both beautiful and cruel, much like memories." ~ Laughing Wolf

The day is clear and warm. Beautiful pink and white cherry blossom trees are in full bloom swaying in the sweet scented spring air.

The sky is a shade of stunning crystal blue without a cloud in sight with a warming sun high in its place over head.

Birds sing and tweet the songs of spring from the lush tree tops or as they fly overhead.

But there is also another sound amongst this blissful spring day.
It's the sound of a loud mouthed blonde pro hero who is currently yelling insult after insult as the firey blast from large heated plams are launched from expert hands at a villain he and his pro hero husband, Deku have been fighting on this warm Japan day.

But things have taken a sudden turn now tho, he and Izuku have been separated somehow and now he's one on one with this shit villain who can bend time or so he's been told.

" You bastard! Where the hell is Deku at ?!"

A smile curves onto the male who's eyes hold the look of purple pinwheels spinning continuously in the center where pupils should be. The villain laughs lightly at the brash hero.

" He is exactly where we once were. Tis you and I who have danced our way to a different space in time."

Katsuki raises a brow, anger etched on his face.

" What the fuck are you talking about you freaky looking bastard?!"

The villain laughs once again, his skin a bright shade of white, hair a twisted blend of color, white, purple and blue. He wears a white tales tux, and by looking at him you'd never know what his quirk is.

" Tis clear Mr Bakugo you are still just as self absorbed as you were in your younger years. So busy tossing insults and thinking you're the best at all you do that you haven't even noticed that you are no longer where we once were, but in a place you have in fact been before."

Katsuki is irritated, beyond irritated, and this guy talking in fucking riddles isn't helping.

Crimson eyes narrow under a black hero mask.

" Look you prick, I don't know what the fuck you're going on about but if you don't tell me where Deku is I'm going to...."

He stops the sentence short, the words going dead on his tongue as those crimson eyes finally take notice to the sights around him. This place was indeed familiar.

This was the park, the park where he had spent many hours as a rough loud child, the park where he played till sundown, the park where he had met and lost his best friend.

Eyes are wide under his mask, his face twisted in a scowl of confusion and maybe even a slight trace of fear because suddenly this shit doesn't feel right.

The sound of the villain is heard once more.

" Ahh he finally sees it, finally sees something other than himself and tis not the greenett who did the waltz through time hero. Take a closer look."

Katsuki spins around looking at the area. He's on the sidewalk in front of the park, that much he knows but as he studies the ares closer he notices some things. The cars parked on the street are older, like the ones he grew up with as a child, ones like his parents drove, there are also play ground items that are no longer there in present time but are definitely here right now.

His heart rate picks up as it begins to sink in slowly.

"You.. you transported me back in time you fuck?!"

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