2. A moment in Time

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~ I never realized the moment I began to push you away, I lost not only you but myself in the process ~ LW

Before Katsuki can question this riddle speaking, time bending pain in the ass he feels the ground under his feet shift and before his eyes can process the scene change he's in a different part of the park in the wooded area and the thing he hears next makes him cringe.

" Forward march and here we go members of the agency Bakugo!"

It's him, seven year old cocky little shit who thinks he knows it all him chanting that stupid verse he made up as a group of extras he once thought were friends fall in line behind him, following his every move.

There's the deep shrill of laughter from Timewarp near him.

" Oh my, you were a showy little thing weren't you? I'd be cringing too Bakubrat."

Crimson eyes snap to the pinwheel ones that are taking him in with an amused smile.

" Shut the hell up. I was seven you freak."

" That you were, and yet still there's a green eyed boy at the end of that log who didn't seem to be bothered by your cringe worthy behavior."

The blonde heros eyes shift to that green-eyed boy. A feeling of dread hit his heart because he knows what this will bring, he knows what's getting ready to happen. He knows this is the point at which he started to lose his best friend.

" First of all, did you bring me here just to be a dick and judge my seven year old singing abilities? Actually that brings me to another question. Why did you bring me here? What the hell is this for? To make me hurt? Watch me suffer for shit I've done that I already feel like trash over most every day since and still?!", he snaps turning to see an ever so slight smile on sheet white features while the pinwheels in his eyes slow down the spin.

" Does this hurt you hero? Do the shadows of the past still haunt you? I thought you said you fixed things with Izuku, so why should this still hurt hero? My reasons for this are my own. Maybe I don't mind causing pain or maybe I'm intrigued, either way the game goes on."

Katsuki takes a deep breath trying to steady the anger that's burning and the pain that seems to be coming with it.

He eyes the situation on that log on that fateful day, the day he broke Izuku's heart for the first time and broke his own in the process without even knowing it.

He clenches his fist so tightly they ache feeling his eyes burn with the tears of regret.

" This is fucking stupid. If I'm here to change shit I'll just stop me from being an idiot.", he says going to step in before the inevitable happens.

Before he can take another step Timewarp is in front of him.

" Not so fast Hero. You can not change what has already happened, tis not that easy. You are not here to change the past, you are here to deal with the aftermath of your foolish actions."

Katsuki has never wanted to punch a villain more in his life but he knows he can't or he may never make it home.

So with an ache in his chest so strong it feels like it's crushing his soul, he watches what he already knows will come.

Young Katsuki suddenly falls from that log landing in the water below and the only one out of that group of extras that he once thought were his friends that jumps to his aid is the only one who continues to even after all these years.


" Kacchan! Are you alright?! Here let me help you up!", the greenett says with a small hand outstretched.

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