4. Fun Time

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Katsuki stands in the warp now feeling an all too familiar feeling of the ground shifting under him.

If he's right about the order of things during this shit his next stop should be high school.

UA, where he and Izuku actually started to fix their relationship, but that didn't happen till the second year. First year was still a little rocky.

He sighs waiting, waiting for the wrap to stop, waiting for this to be over, waiting to get back to his Deku.

Crimson eyes shift down to his left hand. He removes his glove and looks at the space where his ring should be. Two silver and green peices are locked in place but one remains absent, the one that's keeping him from getting back to current life and his husband.

He's thinking about those green eyes and how worried Izuku must be when he feels the warp stop moving.

His gaze adjust to the scene around him finally and just as he thought UA high comes into veiw.

He has mixed feelings about this place because the first year was rough and it was obvious that he had so much to learn, second year was a little better tho the thing that bugs him most was that he still hid his developing feelings for the greenett and by the third year he still had a rough time but slowly was unable to hide it any longer.

He scoffs under his breath staring at the the building annoyed at himself that he took so long to admit to his feelings that he knew had always been there.

That now familiar taunting voice is next to him.

" Ah hero, you don't look quite as stressed as our last little dance through time."

The blonde looks at the villain next to him and shrugs.

" It wasn't that bad here. First year sucked but after that we seemed to do alright, I mean we did end up dating here."

The villain smirks with a taunt in his tone.

" Finally. Finally you ended up dating here after you figured out someone else was more important than yourself."

The blonde narrows his eyes.

" Tch. Shut the hell up, it doesn't matter when or how it only fucking matters that it happened!"

Timewarp smiles slyly.

" Finally."

The blonde hero rolls his eyes.

" Whatever."

Timewarp gives a chuckle.

" Oh my, you certainly don't like to be called out do you Bakubrat? And tis true that you and that green-eyed hero got closer here but not at first. If I recall correctly tis the place you and he got into an actual physical fight is it not? At Ground Zero?"

Katsuki cringes slightly at the memory. He had called Izuku out that night to a face to face fight to once and for all see who was the strongest. He won that fight tho he's wondered through the years if Izuku had let him win, the greenett had always cared so deeply for him, even in that moment he knows Deku didn't want to hurt him or his foolish pride.

Timewarp speaks again.

" Course that first year a pretty green eyed hero is not the only fight you won now is it?"

Crimson eyes snap to pinwheels with danger dancing in them.

" Watch who you call pretty you shit. Those eyes are mine and what the fuck are you talking about??"

There's a wide smile on the pale faced villain and spinning pinwheels that still suddenly.

" You are such a jealous thing aren't you? Tis jealously that caused those other fights too wasn't it? Ones that you covered up your true intentions by pretending those fights were nothing more than competition at the UA sports festival where you almost ended Shoto Todoroki and Ochaco Uraraka for good, isn't that right hero?", he smiles slowly.

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