3. Lost Time

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Once the movement under his feet comes to a stop Katsuki glances around the area trying to get some sort of idea of where he is.

When his sights land on his old middle school building his heart drops and a sick feeling rises immediately. He feels the color drain from his face and suddenly a rock steady hero doesn't feel so steady at all.

The look on his features must be visible because he suddenly hears the voice of a laughing villain beside him.

" What's wrong Hero? Mr. Explosion Murderer looks a little washed out and dare I say terrified?"

Katsuki turns his head toward him seeing purple spinning pinwheels and that sickly looking smile that he grows to hate by the minute. He wants to scoff, tell this shit creepy ass villain to fuck right off that he's pro hero Dynamite and he's not afraid of anything, but that would be a lie, because as much as he loathes it he is terrified of this place. Not only the place but this whole damn time period, a time when he was angry, dark and confused. A time when he was full of fear and self doubt but chanelled it into cocky mean-spirited bullying and the one that he took it out on most was Izuku.

They say that you hurt the ones you love the most, and that was definitely true.

He lost so much in this place. The wedge he had placed between him and Deku that day at the river when he had refused his hand and pushed him away only grew deeper here. This is the place he almost lost him for good. A place he was brutal with his words and so sharp with his looks that he knows each stupid insult spat from his immature mouth and each uncaring, disapproving glance of crimson eyes cut a fair skinned boy to the bone. A boy who had always wanted nothing more but to be by his side.

This place feels like acid on his skin, rubbing wrong against it and burning through to his soul like a hot iron through butter. His actions here, every hurtful painful word ever spoken to a greenett with freckles still burn in the back of his mind.

He's apologized for this place even tho he's never been specific on the details of his apology. Izuku himself has no idea that what took place in this moment in time still haunts him. He has no clue about the nights Katsuki wakes up in cold sweats seeing the images in his mind, the ones he caused, or that those haunting relentless dreams are what will cause the blonde in bed to reach over and grip him so tightly that it often wakes the greenett from his sleep, even if it's just to return the strong hold while he drifts back to sleep. But Katsuki often doesn't fall back to sleep, he lays there thinking about all the horrible things his younger self said, did to the man he now loves more than anything else in this world. Crimson eyes often keep watch over the sleeping green-eyed hero he gets to call his husband. There's many nights silent tears fall full of regret as he watches the gentle rise and fall of Izuku's chest as he sleeps soundly, unaware of the demons that keep his blonde bomb wide awake.

Timewarp's voice suddenly pulls him from painful memories only to taunt him further.

" For someone who normally has so much to say you certainly have grown quite Hero.", the villain says with a smile that seems to large for his face.

Crimson eyes narrow.

" Shut up bastard. I'm fine."

Purple pinwheels go still.

" Except you aren't. You aren't fine at all. This is the worst of the worst for you, the place you must dig into the trenches of your soul the deepest. Tis like cutting your own heart out of it's rightful place, ringing it out and hoping something is left after you have drained yourself from the regrets you hold so closely they are almost friends to you."

Katsuki is finding it hard to swollow suddenly, his mouth is to dry for the simple task and now his blood feels cold in his veins. He has no idea how this creep seems to know every thought in his head or feelings he thought he had buried so deep they would never find the light of day, but he does and that's extremely unnerving.

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