5. A time For Love

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When the blonde feels the warp stop moving he raises a brow because this isn't like all the times before. This time there's nothing around and he's in some short of all whited out area where there is absolutely nothing.

" Oi Freaky Face, you here?"

He hears the laugh of the pale faced villain.

" I am, I am. Why, have you grown to miss me hero?", Timewarp grins as he appears suddenly.

Katsuki scoffs crossing his arms.

" Fuck no, I just want to know what the hell is going on. Only half of the peice to my ring showed up from the last time and after that day at the fence everything went fine with Deku, we got together, started dating steady, hell we were fucking inseparable. We got married a year after we graduated and have been attached at the damn hip every day since. So what the fuck gives huh? I fixed shit and now I wanna go home bastard because I know he's worried fucking sick."

Timewarp takes in the now angry hero. He smiles.

" Ah yes, you're impatient to get back to your green-eyed hero and I shall send you back but first you must answer a question for me."

The blonde raises a brow annoyed by this already.

" Let's get on with it then, what question??"

" Have you learned anything Hero? And if you could go back and change it all would you?"

Katsuki eyes the male who's purple pinwheels spin as he thinks carefully about the question just asked of him.

He takes a minute, mind searching for the answer that he feels is the most honest.

Finally crimson eyes meet purple pinwheels.

" As far as would I change anything the answer is both yes and no. Would I change bullying Deku? Yes in a god damn heart beat because hurting him will always hurt me ten times more. But would I change being a jerk at times and pushing him away, this might sound crazy but I don't necessarily think I'd change it all. I needed to be on my own without him to fall on my fucking face and realize just how much I needed him. If I hadn't had to learn the hard way we might not be as close as we are now because we both know what it's like to be without the other and neither one of us wants to risk going thru that again. Deku and I are stronger, better together then we ever were because of the shit we had to go through and the lessons we had to learn. And this is gonna sound sappy as fuck but I don't give a shit but no one is more in love than that me and that nerd and I wouldn't change that for anything. So if all this shit is what made us like the way we are today then I wouldn't change a damn thing. Don't get me wrong Freak, I didn't mind shit talking and taking a swing at younger me, I needed to do that too to use my own guilt cause even tho I might not change things it doesn't mean it was easy to go through. Did I learn anything? Yeah, I learned that even though all that shit Deku always loved and defended me and for that, because of that I love him even more, even harder and every damn day I'll strive to be the man he always thought I was, even when I didn't see it. He makes me better."

Pinwheels suddenly stop turning. The look almost makes Katsuki worry until a smile finally forms and Timewarp turns to walk away.

" Oi! Where you going?!"

The villain turns to grin at him.

" To return you to your hero, hero. You gave the right answer to the final question and now you are free to go. Have you not noticed your ring?"

The blonde raises his hand quickly to inspect it seeing the final peice of his wedding band finally back in its rightful place. He can't help the huge smile that takes over as he runs large fingers over the band.

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