From 1 (freakiest freaks) to 14 (the least freaky/most vanilla) canon couples😭😂
1. Brigette x Geoff
-They've literally tried to get it on in a hot tub in front of everyone in TDI, so fucked up💀 Plus, they're always making out in front of EVERYONE. Don't forget Chris's tanning booth and when the lights turned off in the aftermath show😭2. Lindsay x Tyler
-Do I need to explain what happened in TDI?😭 They're just sneaking off everywhere, but they're still in public💀3. LeShawna x Harold
-The letters....
Chef, you're wrong for that one😰4. Alejandro x Heather
-There's no "evidence" to suggest anything (except for some possible subtle hints in WT- Al's "thanks for everything" comment on the volcano💀) but it's them, and they give off those vibes. They'd try almost anything tbh💀5. Owen x Izzy
-Izzy's a crackhead, and Owen's up for anything. That's all that needs to be said😭6. Stephanie and Ryan
-Yep. All day, lmao7. Duncan x Courtney
-You know they'd be freaky if they got back together as adults😭8. Duncan x Gwen
-Sadly, I feel like they'd be a bit freaky🤢 (sorry if you ship them hehe)9. Ennui x Crimson
-I considered putting them higher on the list, but they're surprisingly wholesome. However, they do have some freaky moments10. Scott x Courtney
-Ik Scott has a thing for women who order him around, but I feel like they'd be vanilla most of the time11. Emma x Noah
-Vanilla with a sprinkle of spice every once in a while🤌🏻🤌🏻12. Sam x Dakota
-Totally vanilla, maybe some dirty talk very rarely13. Mike x Zoey
-Vanilla ice cream🍦 But that's ok, we accept😌14. Carrie x Devon
-Do they even have sex?💀

Total Drama Opinions
RandomI've made an opinions book, and I've made a Total Drama book. So I figured, why not make one exclusively for Total Drama?🙃