Inspirational Quotes

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Here are some inspirational quotes and advice from the TD characters when you're feeling sad, for whatever type of encouraging you need♥️


Gwen: "Hey, you're a badass, and a badass attitude can get you far in life."

LeShawna: "Pick yourself up, girl! Nobody got anywhere staying on the ground!"

Bridgette: "When life gets you down, just go to your happy place. If you can't physically go, close your eyes and meditate, and you'll find yourself there. That's what I do, anyways!"

Duncan: "What's the problem? Who do I need to beat up?"

Cody: "I totally get you. Life beats me up all the time, too. But hey, I'm still alive!"

Izzy: "I have SO many problems, so you can talk to me any time! I'll totally understand!"

Geoff: "Dude or dudette, if you ever need any positivity in your life, I'm your guy!"

Trent: "You are so strong. I know you can get through anything."

Courtney: "Life is like a debate tournament. Stop slacking, and don't let the bad stuff win!"

Heather: "Only losers let life knock them down. Don't be a loser, and get over it!"

DJ: "You know what you need? A nice, homemade meal! Let me cook one for you real quick!"

Lindsay: "What's that saying again? Oh, yeah! When life gives you watermelons, make pineapple juice!"

Noah: "I don't really care about your problems and neither do most people, so why should you care?"

Katie: "Omg, feel better soon!"

Sadie: "Omg, feel better soon!"

Owen: "You know what always makes me feel better? Food!"

Harold: "What is your problem specifically? I could help you solve it step-by-step. I'm very good at those kinds of things!"

Justin: "Just focus on my beautiful face, and everything will get better."

Tyler: "I always go for a jog. That usually clears up my head. I'm an exercise champ!"

Eva: "Get over it, weakling, or you're gonna have worse problems than what you got now."

Beth: "Do you need a friend? I'll be your friend! We can make friendship bracelets together!"

Alejandro: "Let me take you on a date, señorita. I will make you feel more special than you could ever imagine."

Sierra: "You should watch Total Drama! That always makes me feel happier! Especially when Cody's onscreen!"

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