These are things in the TD fandom that I'm sick of😭
-people use the Aleheather tag on Tumblr when it's just Alenoah or some kind of weird polyamory relationship between the three of them💀•Taking the show seriously
-People are offended by the stuff that's purposefully offensive. It's like the whole point of the show went over their heads...
-God damn, people get into the dumbest arguments on that app💀•Weird-ass fanart
-I don't need to explain this. How can you sit there for hours and create things like this??😭•Demonizing characters in fanfics
-I've seen Alejandro written like a sadistic psychopath in multiple fanfictions.•Un-original comments on my stories (I had to make it specific to the fandom lol). If you're making the following comments, I assume you're too young to be reading my stories, therefore, too young to even be on this app.
Examples: "Real." "That's so real." "They're so real."

Total Drama Opinions
RandomI've made an opinions book, and I've made a Total Drama book. So I figured, why not make one exclusively for Total Drama?🙃