Why I Don't Think Gwen's a Villain

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NOTE: This doesn't excuse the actions of others AT ALL. This is just to differentiate between what I think makes someone inherently villainous and what makes someone just selfish.

It's also doesn't mean I think any less of the villains as characters. I really do like most of the TD villains💀

So YES, I still think Gwen should be held accountable for kissing Duncan.

Villainous actions don't always = a villainous person.

What makes someone a villain to me?
INTENTION behind their actions-
Did they do this to purposely hurt someone?
Are they planning on changing?
Do they have any true remorse for their actions?
*Reminder: villainous people can apologize, but they never really mean it, and they know they'll never mean it.

She's gone out of her way to do a few good things:

-Save Duncan from those weird birds in Camp Castaways

-Go back to bony island to get Geoff's camera she dumped in the water because she felt bad

-She votes herself off on TDA because she feels bad for Trent getting voted off because he threw challenges for her

-Communicated her feelings with Trent in TDA while they were dating- she made it clear that she wanted to win the game fairly and she didn't want him throwing challenges for her

*What keeps her from being a hero: she doesn't USUALLY go out of her way to help others.

*What keeps her from being a villain: Gwen lacks the delusional, narcissistic thinking that she's superior to everyone else that the shows villains have: Heather, Courtney, Alejandro, Scott, Lightning, Josee, Amy, etc. Also, she doesn't go out of her way to purposely hurt people...

Gwen's villainous act was kissing Duncan while he was with Courtney, but she kissed Duncan because she had feelings for him. It wasn't to mess with Courtney or get her back for anything. The act of kissing someone's boyfriend is selfish, but it doesn't always make the PERSON who did it evil overall.

Gwen is in a morally grey area between anti-hero and villain. Idk what to call it though...

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