Characters and Alcohol

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This is what I think the characters would act like while drunk!🤣


Gwen: Always says she's not getting drunk but almost always ends up blacking out by the end of the night💀

LeShawna: Gossips with her girlfriends and ends up getting tipsy and oversharing😭😂

Bridgette: Takes a shot or two with Geoff but mostly dances and talks with friends

Duncan: Full-on wasted. Tries to take a joyride, but DJ has to jump on him and hold him down to stop him😭 Duncan thanks him for it in the morning tho, lol

Cody: Passed out after only two shots. He was trying to impress Gwen💀

Izzy: No one can ever tell if she's drunk or not💀

Geoff: Almost as crazy as Duncan, minus the driving part. He's tried to jump off of the roof a few times, but Bridgette tries to stop him. DJ has to physically remove him sometimes😂

Trent: Usually the designated driver. He talks to a lot of girls and plays guitar for them, occasionally getting emotional when he's tipsy

Courtney: Either the designated driver or drunk and throwing up—it depends on what kind of night she's having😂

Heather: Hypersensitive—the complete opposite of when she's sober

DJ: Always the designated driver and the "mom friend" who makes snacks for everyone's hangovers the next morning

Lindsay: Really clumsy but doesn't act much different

Noah: Doesn't drink but acts drunk to fuck with people💀

Katie: Gets tipsy, giggles more than usual

Sadie: Gets tipsy, giggles more than usual

Owen: Eats more than usual and falls on the floor after he's full

Harold: Gets emotional and starts crying about his feelings for LeShawna

Justin: The clumsiest drunk person in the world💀

Tyler: Passed out in the bathtub after knocking himself out😭

Eva: VERY emotional—she starts opening up to everyone about why she's so angry all the time

Beth: Hardly drinks, but when she does, she just becomes more goofy and flirtatious

Alejandro: Only drinks the finest wines but less than 50% of the time

Sierra: Drinks like a psycho but doesn't act any different💀

Chef: Has a total emotional meltdown after too many drinks

Chris: Really out of it—never knows what's going on.
*Use the tri-armed triathlon as a reference—"Ledunca and Shewanan"😭😂

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