Chapter 14

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Winter stood by Qibli, they had 2 days until the darkest night and they were no closer to finding a solution. Stormbreaker had returned a while ago but he hadn't done anything but sleep since.

Qibli looked up from the scroll he was reading and said "Winter, if we fail to find a way to defeat this shadow monster, I just wanted you to know, I love you." Winter looked over to Qibli and said "I'm sure will defeat it, and I love you too." Winter doubted his own words more than anything, but he had to stay brave.

Stormbreaker walked in, his scales a filthy mess, his eyes tired, and his talons full of scrolls. Stormbreaker laid the scrolls down as he said in a raspy unrecognizable voice "Get everyone else, I have a plan." Winter and Qibli quickly left to get Moon and Kinkajou, Turtle had just left to get Peril to help them.

Winter walked into the room Kinkajou and Moon were sharing and said "Stormbreaker has a plan, you might wanna see what it is." They all started to go toward the study that Stormbreaker had began to lay out the plans in.

Stormbreaker looked up as he finished his plans, 20 scrolls were laid out with scribbles, words and drawing he then said "Ok, my plan is very simple." Clearly the plan was not but he wouldn't say it was complicated as he continued, "First I will enchant a rock to teleport anyone who touches it and to be made of pure light, we need to somehow make him run into it."

Winter looked at Stormbreaker and said "Why do we need it to teleport him?" Stormbreaker replied "It will teleport him somewhere where it is daytime to ensure he is destroyed and not just stalled." Qibli looked at Winter and said "He has a point, the shadow could survive for by a inch and the sun could finish him off."

As they all looked over the plans for any flaws and they saw it was good enough to work. Suddenly a voice was heard from behind them "Hey Stormbreaker, you didn't think you could just say that and le-" before the dragon could finished Stormbreaker throw himself out the nearest window. Winter looked toward the dragon who was talking and saw a small female sandwing who was frowning as she then said "Hi, I'm Cactus, and you all would be?" Qibli then said "Hello Cactus, I'm Qibli, this is my boyfriend, Prince snowsnout, aka Winter, and this is Kinkajou and Moon."

Cactus looked down at the scrolls and said "I see Stormbreaker hasn't slept in a couple of days, so what's going on?" They quickly explain and Cactus said "Oh... this is worse than I thought.... definitely worse than Darkstalker." It was clear that Cactus and Stormbreaker were not ready to talk to each other for quite sometime.

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