Rest + The Final Treasure

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Slight Lemon Warning

(y/n) pov

I wake up and and see I'm back at home.

Me: What... no, no I need to-

I then feel a weight on my chest. I look down and see Shiver laying on top of me.

They look up at me and smirk.

Shiver: Morning, dummy.




Me:... eh.

Shiver giggles and sat up a bit.

Shiver: I asked your friends if I could take you home with me.

Me: But-

Shiver: Don't worry, we're here alone. Frye and Big Man are looking for more treasure.

Me: What about Eri?

Shiver: What about YOU? You've been doing nothing but your missions for the entire day, without any breaks. You need rest.

Me: I can't just leaves her waiting.

Shiver: I promise you, we'll get her tomorrow.

Me:... I-

Shiver: You are resting for the rest of the day, that is final.


Shiver: I haven't heard you agree yet.

Me:... Fine.

Shiver: Good. Now...

They kissed me on the lips and put their arms around my neck. I start to kiss back. We finally part for air after a minute.

Me: H-... How long?

Shiver: About a week, but it was solidified when I saw your determination to get your little sister back.

Me: Oh... thanks I guess.

Shiver: So, what do you say?

Me: Wait... what about Ca-

Shiver: Already got that covered. It's a little friendly competition, you could say.

Me: Yeah... sure.

Shiver: How long for you.

Me: It was when you helped me when I was breaking down, after watching the VHS tape. There were other times before that, but seeing you that caring was kinda cute.

They blush a bit.

Shiver: S-Shut it, dummy.

Me: There's the Tsundere I know and love.

They blush even harder, and covers their face with their fan.

Shiver: Y-You can't just say that.

I chuckle and hug them.

Shiver: I think I liked it better when you were asleep.

Me: Thanks, real nice of you.

They close their fan and bonk me on the head with it.

Me: Hey, what was that for?

Shiver: Nothing, just for fun.

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