Chapter Six

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Sammy's Point of View

"I'm starving Samuel, so I'm going to warn you that I might bite your head off." Zoe said playing with my hands. "Your hands are huge by the way," she said comparing them to hers.

"What did you want to eat?" I asked as we stopped.

"I don't know but we should grab something for Jack J. He's been with Lauren all night." she replied sticking her finger in her boot.

"They are going to date when she wakes up," I confirmed making her smile.

"Really? How do you know!" She exclaimed.

"Johnson said he was going to take her out and ask her."

"Lauren loves him more than she loved Jack G. She seems less stressed then she did with Jack G. When she was dating him she was always worried about him leaving her, he never made it certain that he wouldn't leave her." she replied holding my hand.

"I love you and I'll never leave you," I said strengthening my grip on her hand. She smiled and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

"Oh crap there's pink lipstick on your face now," she said rubbing it off of my face. "Have you realized how much drama is going on after Lauren came. Not with us, but between the Jacks, Madison, and Lauren."

"Jack saw Lauren and you could literally just see a hand smack him in the face. He obviously still loves her." I commented.

"Lauren told me she just wanted to be friends and to forget about what happened between them. You know, we should all just go on a trip and get this drama off of our minds, when Lauren gets better."

"I'm thinking Florida, because California is getting kind of old. Maybe like a teenage location."

"We should go to Panama City or to relax maybe Hawaii." she said getting excited.

"Chill woman, no need to get excited!" I laughed at her.

- - - - - - - - - -
Jack J's Point of View

It just hit me. Lauren might not remember me. I've only known her for one and a half years. Their results can't be that accurate, can they? She must have some piece of memory about me. I washed my hands and went back to Lauren's hospital bed. I stared at her beautiful face wondering if she could hear me talk to her, what she was thinking, or maybe if she remembered me.

"Hey beautiful it's me again," I grabbed her hand and sat down in my chair. "I realized that you probably don't remember me, you're probably thinking that I'm some creepy stranger. I promise I'm not. People say I'm crazy, when I'm talking to you. That you can't even hear me. Again, you probably think I'm a creep but I love you. I mean it, I know it's a bit early since your literally lying in a hospital bed but I do. I know I love you, nothing can ever change that." I stared at her face again. And she looked different, she looked even more beautiful. I then realized she was smiling. "So you can hear me huh?" the smiling seemed to start weakening her. "You don't have to keep smiling babe," she weakly let loose and stopped smiling.

"You better heal quickly though, I want to go out with you. I want to kiss you, honestly." I teased. She smiled harder. "I can't now though," she frowned. "Your lying in a hospital bed, maybe when you wake up." she squeezed my hand a bit. I leaned over and kissed her on her forehead. She smiled again, a bit wider this time though. I laughed but was interrupted by Sammy who was clearing his throat.

"Hey look who's getting close!" Zoe smiled getting Lauren's brush, most likely about to brush her hair. Which I found kind of cute when messy.

"We got you some takeout Chinese." Sammy said placing the bag on the table. "I brought some extra clothes for you too."

"Hey you guys!" we heard from the door. Madison stood there holding Jack G's hand. Jack G stood behind her literally hiding from us.

"Done!" Zoe commented. "I did a nice braid for you." she walked back over to Sammy who soon wrapped his arms around her as she sat down. I can't wait to do that with Lauren.

"So how is she holding up?" Madison said moving a stray piece of hair behind Lauren's ear.

"She has smiled twice, frowned once, and squeezed his hand once." Sammy replied.

"How do you know?" I asked shocked.

"I was there the entire time while Zoe was taking videos." he answered like it was obvious.

"They want to go make out when she gets better." Zoe whispered loudly to Madison. I widened my eyes and turned around to clamp her mouth shut. I saw Sammy staring at Jack G who looked like he was about to burst into flames.

"Sammy can you make your lovely girlfriend shut up." I whispered making an artificial smile. He winked and kissed her. She stopped talking and stared at him. Soon enough they started making out, out of no where. "Hey I told you to shut her up, not have sex with her..." I whispered in his ear.

"Okay, that wasn't awkward. Anyways, Jack a didn't want to come because he thinks it was all his fault. I don't think so though, I mean it's obviously Zoe's fault. She was the one who got them both in a car accident." right when I thought Madison might actually was going to be nice, she turned around and became a straight up b*tch.

"It's not her fault!" Sammy exclaimed.

"I think it's all your fault." I replied to Madison. "If you didn't mess around with all of us and separate us, Lauren wouldn't be here. And we definitely wouldn't be fighting about who's fault it is. Plus, how is it Zoe's fault that you weren't a good enough girlfriend as Lauren was for him to cheat on you. He doesn't love you, don't force it."

"Oh my goodness Jack don't you hear what he is saying to me!" Madison said freaking out, grabbing Jack G's hand. He looked at the floor embarrassed, most likely realizing that I was telling the truth.

"He's probably using you to keep his mind off of #Jenderson." Sammy said scrolling through his phone.

"What the heck? Jenderson? where'd you find that?"

"Oh did you not know?" he asked me. I shook my head in reply. "Oh Johnson and Henderson, because if you search Jauren. You'll see Jack G and Lauren. Man, you two have a lot of fan pages, and according to this one you two are mom and dad, and they are your children. Oh I like this pun. 'I wonder what Jender the official Jenderson child will be.' "

After she said that we just heard the door slam. Jack Gilinsky had just burst into flames.

HEY YALL!!!!! Okay so that title probably threw you completely off. I'm sorry if I gave you a heart attack. I don't mind visiting you at the hospital if I have almost killed you though. Anyways I added a little drama to make up for how late I was. If you want to die a little just read my fangirling rants. #peaceouthomies #imgoingtovegas #toopoortoaffordit #imawesome #goodbye


[Jane the Virgin]

okayy so recently I've been watching Jane the Virgin and omgingersnapples you guys #teamrafael for real for real. forget me being bae-less I don't care. I'm still on my bae watch but any ways is it just me or is Rafael ultimate bae goals. Not the working so much that Jane doubts him though.... I just realized how many typos that I've had. but it doesn't matter because this is a RANT. RANTS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SOPHISTICATED. OKAYY?!? #YOLO #PEACEOUTHOMIES

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