Chapter Four

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Lauren's Point of View

"For three!!" Johnson said as I shot. It went right into the basket. #swag Cash and I

"Aw man, Nash we're losing to a girl!" Cam groaned putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He was right, they were down 11-2.

"I didn't know such a small girl could block!" Nash said sitting down on the court.

"What can I say, I have some major hops." I said laughing. "Get up! We've only played for ten
minutes!" I said trying to pull Nash up with my big guns. 💪🏼💪🏼 It was no use he was too heavy.

"Hey we have to leave," Nash said. "So hurry up!"

He got up and they left so Johnson and I went into his house. I saw Jack G on the sofa covered in a blanket sleeping peacefully, I accidentally touched him and his skin literally burned me.

"Hey Jack G has a fever," I said walking into the kitchen with Jack J.

"Really? He did look a bit dizzy this morning. I guess he decided to go back inside. I'll go get him some soup." He said getting his keys. I heard the door shut and went to the fridge to get an ice pack for Jack. Jack gets sick really easily and every time it's me that takes care of him. His mom said that I should try going to med school because I have a magic touch. That's one of the jobs I consider to do too. I heard the front door open and heard laughing.

"Who would've known?" Zoe asked Sammy. They both walked in with Sammy's arm around Zoe's shoulders.

"Hey Lauren can we help you with anything? Gilinsky looks sick." He asked sipping his drink.

"No, I think I should be good. Thanks for asking though." I said
reaching for the ice pack. They went some random direction, while I headed to the living room. I felt Jack's forehead and it was fluffing hot. I put the ice pack on his forehead and went to go grab a wet towel. I rinsed it with cold water and went back to the living room. I lifted his blanket up and started 'washing' him with cold water. Once I was done I went back to the kitchen with the ice pack. Johnson came back and walked in winking at me. I laughed and went to go wake Jack G up.

"Hey Jack? Wake up Johnson brought some food for you." he opened his eyes slowly and smiled. He got up and right when I was about to stand up he grabbed my arm.

"Wait," he said. Then all of the sudden he kissed me.

"DUDE WHAT THE F*CK!!!" Sammy screamed from the staircase. I pushed Gilinsky off of me.

"Are you out of your mind!?" I exclaimed. Johnson was standing there obviously disappointed in his best friend.

"I can't believe you!" Sammy said going down the stairs.

Was Jack out of his mind? He can't just kiss someone when ever he wants to!

"Hey I think we should leave," Zoe said grabbing my hand. I agreed and stood up wiping my mouth and walking out. I got in her car and sat there kind of stunned. "Okay so what exactly happened?"

"I don't know, I told him to wake up because Johnson got him food and he just kissed me!" I stuttered. My phone started ringing and it was an unknown number. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Why the fluff is my boyfriend injured?" Madison screamed.

"I don't know, I hate the guessing game."

"Well what did you do? Sammy and Jack don't just automatically beat him up."

"They what?!?" Zoe exclaimed. "Do you have a video? Did my bae look hot!"

"Zoe is now really the time to talk about you and Sammy," I sighed.

"Whatever," She said.

"OH MY GOD ZOE TRUCK!" I screamed. That's when it went black.
Sammy's Point of View

"Jack! Sammy! I think Zoe and Lauren just got into an accident!" I heard Madison scream opening the front door.

"Woah what's going on?" Johnson asked coming downstairs.

"I don't know I was talking to them on the phone and I heard a huge crash and then the line went dead. But before that I heard Lauren scream at Zoe about a truck."

"Let's go!" I screamed running out the door. We all got in the car leaving Jack G at home considering we were all mad at him right now. No he was sick. Whatever, we're all mad at him.

We followed an ambulance to the hospital and saw them pull over to the emergency section. I stood there outside watching as they pulled a small body in. The girl's long brown hair hung off of the bed. There was a girl behind her in a wheel chair sobbing. The girl looked oddly familiar though. That was Zoe!

"Please tell me it's nothing major." Johnson whispered to himself. We both ran in, Madison following us.

"Uhm Lauren Henderson?" Jack J asked the lady at the front desk.

"Oh she just came in, all I have are her and her friend's injury reports. Would you like to know that stuff?"

"Sure, is there anything major?" I asked resting my elbows on the counter.

"Zoe Laz wasn't as bad as Lauren Henderson. Zoe just broke her leg and injured her ribs. The truck crashed on the passenger side of the vehicle, where Lauren was sitting so her's are pretty bad." he said looking on the clipboard. "Here she is. Okay, a severe brain damage causing her to have long term memory loss. We don't know how bad it is but her's is usually up to events that have happened two or three years ago. She'll be in a coma for from two to eight weeks." We heard running and saw Kylie and Kendall standing there with worried faces.

"OH MY GOSH ITS KENDALL AND KYLIE JENNER!" a little girl screamed. They both looked at her and waved.

"What happened? They called me and said Lauren was in the hospital." Kylie asked me.

"Can I see any relatives of Lauren Henderson." a woman said walking out of the door. They all looked at me.

"I'm her god brother?" I blurted.

"That'll do." she said waving for me to go with her. I followed her as she led me down a long hallway. "You're sister won't remember the things that she loves the most you see. Hobbies she'll remember but people, that's a different story. She probably won't remember her age or memories, so I suggest bringing her some albums. Do you have any questions?"

"When can we start visiting her?"

"Maybe next week after her surgery is done." she said looking through her clipboard.

"Can I visit Zoe?"

"She'll available in two days. She's resting right now, we put her on some medicine that will relieve the pain for a few days."

"Dr. Theresa," a nurse called. "It's an emergency!"

"You know your way back right?" Dr. Theresa asked me. I nodded in reply and she took off running towards the nurse.

I walked back to the room where all of them were waiting. I opened the door and they looked at me eagerly, I saw Krista seemed to join the group too.

"How is she? Can we see her?" Kendall asked.

"Zoe, we'll see in a few days and Lauren will take a week. But I need to call home, because when we see her she'll probably think that she's sixteen."

"Hey you guys," I heard behind me. They all looked up shocked.

"Nice to see you too Samuel."
I wonder who it is!!!!! I'm sorry this is so late, I've been very busy lately. BUT WE GOT 801 READS!!!! thank you guys so much all I thought I was doing was writing books for fun, but then you guys loved it!

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