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"Don't worry Zwei, they should be back soon."

Yang Xiao Long, alongside her faithful dog companion Zwei, were both sitting on the couch and watching TV. Yang has recently gotten a call from her father saying they were coming home from their mission soon, and also to "prepare herself" for something.

She really didn't know what he meant by that, but it must be some big surprise, otherwise he wouldn't hide it like that.

"Hmm...what do you think Zwei?"


"Nah, I doubt it's hair products, that's basic needs for me."


"Maybe...I do think Celica could use a tweaking..." Looking to her twin shotgun bracers, she smiled at the glittering shine on them before putting her attention back to the screen.

Time passed by easy like that for a few hours, the two getting cozier on the couch as Zwei rested on Yang's chest while she laid back, petting behind his ears while keeping her eyes on the TV. The house was pretty quiet, but that was to be expected of the place when she was the only one home.

Being left alone to her thoughts brought up many things, and one of those was thoughts of her younger half-sister Ruby. She went missing quite a few years back, when both she and Yang were three and five respectively.

'And...it's all my fault...' Shaking her head, she got those thoughts out from her, knowing the dangers of getting all depressed like that. Last time it happened, her hair started to fall out from stress and malnourishment, and that turned her around real quick.

With the movie nearing it's end, she took Zwei off her chest and laid him down next to her, sitting up and reaching for her Scroll. The first thing she noticed was a text from a few minutes ago, from her father.

"Open the door...oh! They're home Zwei!"

The little dog shot up, blasting to the door with ridiculous speed and opening the door himself. Yang never figured out how Zwei could do so many things like that, but she chalked it up to him having his aura unlocked, so he was more capable than any normal dog.

The door opened up fully, and in peeked her father. "Hey Yang! How was your day?"

"Boring, since I'm just waiting for the semester to start. What about you? You said there's a surprise or something right?"

He chuckled, seeming a little nervous. "Well yeah, bu-"

"Hi Yang!" Summer peeked in from under Taiyang, giving Yang a toothy smile. "We got something you're really gonna like!"

"Is it pieces for Bumblebee?!" Ah yes, her prized motorcycle that blazed through the streets faster than any car. She loved that thing just as much as her hair.

"Nope, something even better!" Summer opened the door all the way, turning and running off to the front of the property, where a full truck was waiting.

Yang looked at Taiyang, who shrugged. "We had to get her here somehow."


"Ow! Why'd you leave her with me?!" The sound of Qrow's voice drew their attention, and they turned to see Summer with him, and a load of scratched all over him.

"Well, I thought it would do good to let her get use to you again."

"And look at what that did, she tore up my cape!"

"I'll get you a new one, now let's bring her home!" Summer excitedly opened the back of the truck, smiling happily as Yang was still insanely confused on what was happening.

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