The Lightest Shades

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Pushing a branch out of the way, Ruby advanced through the forest at a steady pace, making her way north while specifically seeking out any Grimm near her to destroy. Sure, she expected that most were attempting to avoid or ambush them, but when she smells that ever so pungent stench of them, she can't help but want to destroy it.

If she had to describe it, it was like one of those massive smelly markers from home, only way stronger.

Passing through another set of bushes, the smell of Grimm only grew stronger, so she lowered herself to her quadrupedal walk, slowly stalking forward through more underbrush, keeping her wings close to her body. Finally, she poked her head ever so slightly out of one of the bushes, and spotted her quarry.

A group of Beowolves were there and resting, clearly unknowing of the students in the forest as of now, and with their guards would be an easy fight. Her chest flared to life, and the low hum of her wings began to fill the air, and the Beowolves heard it.

It wouldn't matter.

In an instant, she shot from the bushes and was already on the first one, killing it on impact from the sheer force of collision, a nearby Beowolf soon met her claws, it's face shaved clean off from one good swipe that ended it's life. Before they could all get to their feet to fight, she was already jumping onto another Beowolf, her strength keeping it's arms down as her wings stabbed into it's body, piercing right through and killing it.

The remaining three members were all on their feet, and tried to mob Ruby with a combined attack. She tore her wings from the Beowolf, and using one wing, she aimed it to her side and activated it's flames.

The propulsion spun her around, but the wing hit true, spinning her and building up momentum to stab through all three Beowolves and suspending them on wingtips. Seeing the wolves all turning to dust after the extremely brief fight, she sucked in a lot of air, the streams of wind clearly seen entering her chest, before she roared to the Heavens, celebrating a victory.

"Aahhhh! My ears!" After calming down from the roar, her eyes snapped to a Pearl white figure watching from the tree lines, who happened to be one of the students that was launched earlier.

She was holding her hands to her ears, clearly in pain from the volume of her roar, but her aura was swiftly recovering her. When she was standing straight again, she and Ruby locked eyes.

They were now partners.


Although, it was clear one of them didn't really want to be. The girl immediately turned around and began walking off, but Ruby bounded up to her quickly, her pacing much quicker than the other girl's.

"Quit following me! I won't have a partner that can't even speak!" The girl continued on, having difficulties getting through the brush that was snagging on her dress at every point.

Ruby stared at her back, watching as the girl fumbled and tripped over every rock and root in her path. Even worse, Ruby noticed the shoe wear she had on...heels.

Huffing out a cloud of black smoke, she trotted ahead of her, effortlessly going through the bushes thanks to her tough body(with nothing to snag onto) and stopped in front of her. The girl sighed and began to turn, but Ruby grabbed her shoulder and forced her along, ignoring the protests as she went to a nearby tree.

"Let go!" She was still struggling, but Ruby did let go as she pointed at a tree, and using one of her claws, she carved out her full name. "...Ruby...Rose?"

Ruby nodded, then pointed at her. "You don't know me do you...? Well, I'm Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company."


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