Silver Enteryway

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"Now Ruby, remember to be on your best behavior. Here in Beacon, you'll be met with many kinds of people, some less considerate than others."

Ruby and Ozpin were walking side by side through the dark halls of the Academy's late hours. Both on their way to the Auditorium where the rest of the new arrivals were sleeping. As usual for both, Ozpin was walking along with both his signature cane and cup of Cocoa, while Ruby was trotting alongside him on all fours.

She would occasionally coo and click at the surroundings, seemingly mystified by the halls of the place. A gentle tap to the side brought her attention back to the Headmaster, who's eyes were still focused ahead.

"I won't lie to you Miss Rose, there are bigots and racists thrown within the crowd. You'll be faced with prejudice, most likely more than any other Faunus student due to how severely inhuman you look compared to them."

Ruby didn't exactly know what to expect, but she nodded all the same. She went through some tough times out in the wild, there's no doubt she can do it all again here.

Even then, Ozpin lowered himself down to her quadrupedal level, making strict eye contact. "Please understand miss Rose, that any man can be more vicious and cruel than any beast. If you ever feel threatened or at risk, come to me immediately, I'll help in any way I can."

Again, she nodded, this time chirping along with it to send the message on further. Ozpin nodded and stood again, continuing on with her as they eventually reached the Auditorium.

He raised his cane, making Ruby stop as he gave her a simple gesture. "Please wait here, I'll introduce you properly."

He entered into the room, the doors closing behind him as all sound became muffled. Ruby sat on the ground, tail wrapping around in front of her as she waited, staring out the windows and into the night sky.

Merely hours ago, she had been told exactly what she was now, and in her still recovering Human mind, she took it in strides. The Sky Comet Dragon, one that slaughtered Grimm like nothing, and led Humanity's assault like a Star in the dark...

A smile grew on her face, and dark red energy pumped through her body as her chest vents heated up, beginning to glow. Pride swelled in her at the thought, and she felt satisfied at the results of the few hours she spent with the Headmaster learning the truth.

If she was suppose to be some sort of ancient Dragon of incredible power, then who was she to keep playing around in the mud? She deserved to go higher, to reach the top of the world!

"Miss Rose." She blinked away her thoughts, looking up to Ozpin, who was leaning out the doorway. "You can come in now. I explained your muteness and your situation as best I can, but please be wary of certain individuals who are...less than accepting."

She nodded and stood up on her two legs, walking inside the room beside him. Inside were dozens upon dozens of people, all of which a few years older than she was, and all candidates to enter into Beacon.

Although, almost immediately, she saw her older sister near the back of the room, waving over to her to let her know she was there. She almost wanted to go over immediately, but Ozpin held her back for the moment.

"Everyone, meet Ruby Rose. Please treat her fairly, for she will treat you just as well as you do to her."

With that short intro done, he took his hand away and let her go as she wished. On his way out of the room, he spied a glance over to her and saw her steadily walking between the students sleeping around the room, and he only smiled before finally leaving.

"Rubes!" Yang's voice, while somewhat loud, was still quieter than a full yell. "I never even thought I'd see you for another month or so!"

Ruby chirped and sat down right next to her, tucking her wings in and curling her tail around her. Yang smiled and scratched just behind one of her elongated ears, making her coo as her tail thumped against the pillow.

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