Classy Chassis

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"Monster! Deeeeemons...Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm go by many names."

The first class of the day, Grimm Studies with Professor Port, was exactly what they envisioned the school life in Beacon to be. It was boring, it dragged on, and it was horrible for napping, as Port caught everyone every time.

Weiss kept razor focus on the teacher and his words, such things drilled into her brain when she was younger while Blake was on and off for it. Yang was nodding off, occasionally dozing to sleep for a minute or two before being snapped awake by Blake's poking or Port's surprisingly loud coughing.

Ruby? Well, due to her odd situation, she had a different seat. The professor walked over to his desk, grabbing a small model of a Beowolf skull.

"But I merely refer to them, as Prey."

A chirp caught his attention, and he chuckled as Ruby was sat right in the area between the seats and his desk. "Yes, and you too Ruby."

She was perhaps the only student here truly invested in his class, if her slowly wagging tail was anything to go by. Even with her laying on the ground, with a small tablet in front of her.

Not a phone or tech one, a literal stone tablet that she carved with her claws to write. Her issue was that she couldn't hold pencils or type, so this was their next best thing until a real solution was found.

Port turned to look back to the rest of the class, clearing his throat. "And you all will too, once you graduate from this prestigious Academy."

For the next while, Port went over the general studies of the Grimm class, explaining the cities and why they exist all the way to their roles as Huntsmen and Huntresses. Though...he began to go on a long spiel about his youth, something none of them were able to follow with any merit of decency with how boring the tale was.

Ruby didn't really mind, but she was sitting there and watching him while tapping her claw on the tablet, clearly getting bored just like everyone else. Weiss looked down to her teammate, eyes tracing along her body as, for the umpteenth time this class, she tried figuring out how Ruby's body actually ticked.

She was a Dragon, she knew that, but how does a mythical Dragon work when it's shaped like a person? She wanted to know, but she didn't have an easy way with Ruby's lack of speech.

"—The moral of this story?" Weiss snapped back to attention, seeing that the Professor was about done with his speech, something she entirely missed

"A true Huntsman must be honorable, a true Huntsman must be dependable, a true Huntsman must be strategic, well educated, and wise."

He stood to attention in front of his desk, hands clasped behind his back with his posture straight. "So! Who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Ruby's head perked up at that, but Weiss was the first one to truly react. "I do Sir!"

Port gave Weiss a...barely noticeable smile thanks to that mustache, and nodded to her. "Well then...let's find out."

He went to his desk and pressed a button on it, letting a cage come up from the ground that housed a growling and snarling creature inside. "Step forward Miss Schnee, and face your opponent."

Ruby immediately stepped up as well, all in her usual four legged hunting stance as she growled right back at the cage. The creature inside turned to her and growled back, soon turning into a standoff between them as Weiss quickly gathered her gear before Ruby decided to kill the thing herself.

It took her only a minute or two, and by the time she returned, she saw Blake and Yang dogpiled on Ruby, Gambel Shroud wrapped around her and holding her down while Yang did it by brute strength alone. Port was even holding the cage as the Boarbatusk within was ferociously banging the side, trying just as hard to get out and fight her too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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