Chapter 2: A maybe not so bad Baseball Idiot

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Sawamura Eijun, self-proclaimed future ace of Seidou High School's baseball team had very generously volunteered to accompany the team's female scout and assistant director Takashima Rei to her next destination, a Junior High School in a small and rural town, to search for possible new talents for the next season. A practice match was being held this day and the brown haired woman had decided she wanted to be present to watch and take notes. It was still a little bigger and livelier, but it reminded the always energetic boy of his own village and his friends still living in the country back home. It was almost nostalgic.

However, after the game had ended, both Sawamura and his teacher were somewhat disappointed about the outcome. The trip was a complete waste of their time and they hadn't been able to see at least one little string of hope for a new interesting player they could scout for Seidou. And boy, what a boring game that had been. Almost physically painful to watch! The brown haired pitcher wasn't fired up at all. Usually he'd rather play himself and stand on the mound than watch a match, but this time he had been close to falling asleep. He was beyond pissed!

"Sawamura-kun, please take the bags back to the car and wait for me. I will pay the head coach of the team my respect and greet him. It's the least I can do after driving all the way to watch their match", the female scout said pushing her glasses up with one finger.

"Roger that!"

The young southpaw saluted and hurried to pick up the two large black bags with baseball equipment. Or rather equipment for baseball scouting, like photo and video cameras, speed radar guns to measure the speed of the pitches and various checklists and notebooks. Of course there were also some balls and mitts amongst the other stuff in there, but since they didn't want to check upon the players, that wouldn't be needed. Takashima wouldn't ask for one of the boys pitching or catching for her up close today.

With one bag on each shoulder, Sawamura began jogging over the compounds, first of the Junior High and then also of the directly attached High School that belonged together and were located right at the same place. They even shared a name, so the students didn't really have a big change when they were graduating.

While using the opportunity of additional weight as a method to train, the brown haired teen passed by an almost empty spot of the school yard where the outdoor sinks for the sport clubs were placed and recognized a group of male and female students alike who were ganging up on another girl with bright sky blue hair and eyes. Sawamura narrowed his eyes and came to a halt. They were clearly mocking her and not in a way friends would make fun of their fellow buddy. The usually friendly and warm hazel color of his irises turned into dangerously cold amber.

Before he could even think about it, he threw his bags on the ground, clenched his fists angrily and started stomping towards the still laughing mob. The blue haired girl was also not backing down, standing tall and glaring at her schoolmates with her icy blue eyes. It was pretty impressive for such a rather short and cute girl, Sawamura had to admit.

"Oi!" he shouted making the group flinch and the girl turned her head towards the young pitcher in surprise. "Cut the crap, you bloody bastards! Bullying a poor girl with so many people, you've gotta be kidding me! What are you? Shitty cowards?! Lost your guts somewhere in the school's hallway or what? Back off or else you're gonna regret it"

Wide eyed the whole bunch of bullies stared at the Seidou pitcher in utter disbelief. Their jaws dropped and they couldn't even respond because of course they noticed that they were gaping at the southpaw of the winner of the baseball fall tournament. He was wearing his Seidou uniform after all and they all belonged to this High School's baseball and softball teams respectively. But of course Sawamura couldn't know that and to be completely honest, he also couldn't care less.

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