Chapter 9: The care of the Baseball Idiots

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When Miyuki and Kuramochi finally left her room, Sawamura informed Sora that Takashima and the coach had taken care of things and called a doctor. During the treatment no one had been allowed inside her room and after the doc had left, the female scout of Seidou had been the one to stay with the blue haired girl, washing her body off the cold sweat, making new bandages for her chest and putting her in some new fresh clothes. She was also still wearing her wig, so everything was safe.

The doctor had diagnosed a simple fever, nothing serious, but of course the blue haired girl had pushed herself too hard with it and she was banned from practice and school classes the rest of the week to be able to recover properly and get back some energy. Taking paracetamol to bring down the temperature was okay though.

Soon enough Sora couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and also the brown haired southpaw excused himself after putting a cold towel on her forehead and assured her he would call Ten and her parents before going to bed.

The next day Sawamura brought her breakfast together with Kominato and as soon as classes were over, Miyuki dropped by with lunch and made himself at home in her room, reading his score books and taking some notes in concentrated silence.

"Don't you have to go to practice?" the young girl asked after waking up from her feverish delirium.

How long was the captain sitting by her side already?


She sighed, sitting up in her bed. Was he still angry?


The brown haired catcher shot her a quick glance with his caramel eyes and grinned while scribbling down in his notebook. His nickname now, huh?

"Gotta make sure you don't do anything stupid again. Coach approved, so you're stuck with me. Live with it"

"Seems like you're my cage then..."

"Goddamn right!" His smirk grew wide and evil as always. "And exactly who is being the kinky one now?"

"Excuse you, captain! I'm just playing along... Not that you mind, right?"

"Oh, certainly not"

"Besides, I'm feverish and helpless right now, so don't blame it on me!"

"Heh... Careful, Sora. Someone might use this kind of situation..."

"Well, then I'm glad you're here to protect me", the blue haired girl responded, lying back down and pulling her blanket up to her chin.

As she closed her sky blue eyes and nuzzled into her pillow, Miyuki's gaze lingered on her for a while longer before he blinked and shifted his attention back to his score book.

Protect, huh? If he'd only let me...

In the evening, Kuramochi was the first one to barge in, without knocking first, of course and he immediately sprawled over the other unoccupied bed standing in the corner of the dorm room. He talked about practice and gave Miyuki some information until the other second years followed one by one.

Kawakami brought Sora the notes from the lessons, while Watanabe and Shirasu came in with dinner and tea and Maezono had organized some water bottles for the night and in case Sora had to take the medicine once again. The blue haired girl was speechless receiving so much care and kindness from her teammates.

The first years dropped by a little later, first Kominato and Furuya and then also Sawamura, dragging along Kanemaru and even Toujou with a basket full of fruits. The brown haired pitcher put a towel full of crushed ice on Sora's forehead and flashed her a gentle smile. Furuya sat himself down at the foot of her bed, seemingly indifferent, but refused to move his position when he was asked to join the others on the floor or on the other bed on the opposite side of the room.

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