Chapter 6: Confused Baseball Idiots

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"No fucking way!" Sora protested, crossing her arms over her chest and staring down at Sawamura sprawling on one of the unoccupied beds in her dorm room.

"Hell yes, I do!" the brown haired southpaw shot back equally determined.

"Eijun, I didn't tell you that to drag you into this with me. I'll be violating Seidou's rules. Do you actually know what that means?!"

"Of course, I'm not stupid"

"I beg to differ"

"Oi! Rude!"

"I don't want you to get into trouble with the coach because of me!" the blue haired girl argued and plopped down on the same bed next to the young pitcher.

"And I won't let you wander around in Tokyo when it's already dark outside as a girl and you're not used to living in a big city!" her friend kept insisting. "Besides you already told me it would be very close to curfew, right? I don't think they'd make such a big deal of it if it's really only half an hour or somethin'. And we just have to make sure not to get caught anyway..."

"But if two people tried to sneak back on campus that'd be even more noticeable. And do I have to remind you that you're a bigger country pumpkin than me? You're not used to big cities as well!"

"You can talk until you're blue in the face! I will walk you to work and I will come and pick you up. Every single time. Period!" Sawamura clarified, leaning back and closing his hazel eyes. "I'm your guardian and I gotta do my job properly. I promised you and the boss. Plus, I'd be a really crappy friend if I didn't try to protect you"

"Ugh, fine! You're a royal pain in my ass!" Sora cursed and threw a pillow down on his face.

"Oh, just you wait, you're gonna pay for this, Sora!"

The young southpaw let out a war cry, snatched the pillow away and literally jumped on the poor girl. That guy honestly had no reservations at all because of her gender which she usually appreciated. Just not at times like this.

Actually she had attempted to inform her energetic teammate about the fact that she had searched for a new part-time job and gotten one in one of the many cosplay cafés in Tokyo which in fact wasn't even so far away from the Seidou compounds. Since she could walk there which was very convenient, the blue haired girl hadn't thought much of it that she was working the late shifts and sometimes also on weekends because of her school and baseball training schedule. Well, big mistake that she hadn't considered the Sawamura-factor of combined stupidity and protective issues.

Of course the brown haired pitcher wouldn't let her walk to work and back on her own and after hearing that she most likely would have to violate the school's curfew because her working hours were so close to it that she wouldn't make it back in time, he had been even more convinced that he had to accompany her. Partners in crime they were... Or they would soon be.

Well, not that Sora could help it much. She hadn't told her parents that her scholarship only covered the school fees and not so much lodging and food for which she planned to pay herself. She would definitely not bother her indebted parents who tried to build up an own family business in a city like Tokyo with having to pay a damn rich-kids-school's charge.

For the time being she only had to worry about Sawamura trying to lam her with a feather pillow. Escaping from his revenge, the blue haired girl kit up with another pillow herself and the two baseball teammates engaged in combat against each other.

"Oi Sora, it's almost time for prac- ... The fuck?! Bakamura?!"

Kuramochi stared at his two team members slamming pillows in each other's faces like Grade School kids. They both blinked at him in confusion since he just came through the door of Sora's room. Suddenly Sora's bright blue eyes lit up with ulterior motive and she exchanged a glance with the brown haired boy right next to her.

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