Chapter 29: Forgiving the Baseball Idiots

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It was one of these days... You know, one of the days in a month a girl hates the most. Yeah, exactly. That! Even Aoki Sora had to go through times like this, unfortunately.

Usually the blue haired girl had always done perfectly fine without having cramps, even with the amount of physical exercise she was coping with every day. There hadn't been any problems whatsoever. However due to her newfound resolve to strengthen her core for her pitching form and the unfamiliar focus on muscle parts she hadn't paid any attention to before, her system seemed to be utterly confused.

Not only was she two days early, her abdomen felt like an accordion, contracting and releasing in irregular waves of pain. And of course on a day she had to attend morning practice and school classes, followed by afternoon practice as well. The young girl wanted to die! She wasn't accustomed to this!

To make it even worse, she was kind of on bad terms with Miyuki and Kuramochi because of their stupidity and because of her own hypersensitivity. Sora knew that she probably had overreacted, especially after hearing their explanation. And Kuramochi had in fact apologized already, so there was no need for her to be so bitchy with them. But now she was on her period and she was suffering from cramps! Not the very best condition to make up with anyone. Or to interact with people at all! The blue head had a feeling that she would snap at almost every person who would dare to get close to her today... Ugh... Sorry, guys!

Sora forced herself to get up and to get dressed and she dragged herself to the bathroom and to breakfast. Her moodiness was even worse than usual. That had nothing to do with not being a morning person anymore. Her female hormones were basically shouting at her that she hated boys today. Just because.

Not wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, because obviously she didn't really hate her teammates and she also didn't want to lash out at them, she got the double amount of coffee and her food for herself and crawled into the hindmost corner of the cafeteria she could find, hoping that no one would be stupid enough to approach her. Sora was pretty sure that even the denser part of the male population should be able to see the big red brightly shining warning sign above her head.


Sufficient enough, no?!

However, to her utmost confusion, even the more capable members of her team Sora would've deemed quite intelligent up until now didn't seem to recognize her mental danger sign.

Watanabe, Kawakami, Ono, Maezono and Shirasu who had been sitting at another table already when Sora had entered the cafeteria, exchanged glances with each other after recognizing their blue haired teammate keeping so much distance from them and got up from their seats to go over and group around Sora instead. Much to her annoyance. What was wrong with personal space?! No, seriously!

"Guys, sorry no offense, but could I have some time and space, please? I don't feel particularly sociable today"

She gave some emphasis on the word today to give the others a hint that she didn't mean her morning personality, but her general mood.

They all gave her a weird look, Watanabe raised his eyebrows at her and Shirasu just silently placed another cup of coffee in front of her before they began chatting amongst themselves. None of the boys tried to include her. They weren't ignoring her per se, just respecting her personal space without leaving her alone. The boys were physically present, but with their conversation Sora wasn't included in they still kept some kind of distance. She would have the possibility to join them if she ever changed her mind and wanted to, but if not that was also fine. They were keeping their voices low, even Maezono and to Sora's surprise it wasn't going on her nerves.

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