Chapter 10: Baseball Idiots hanging out

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"So... basically, you've had two teams you practiced with, school classes, homework and self-study, your part-time job and besides that you also trained track and field with your brother and did individual baseball practice to become a pitcher. And you still had time to hang out with your not-friends. Sorry, not gonna give 'em more respect than that. In fact, that's still way too much, so don't look at me like that!"

"So not sorry!"

"Hyaha! True!"

It was Sunday and Sora was feeling much better. She had recovered from her fever the last days and her teammates had been very caring and considerate, especially after she had told them her little story. Most of them had shown their faces at least once a day and someone always had thought about bringing her the meals. Miyuki and to her big surprise also Furuya had spent time in her room silently, the captain mostly reading his score books and the young ace had at least tried to do some studying, but had often ended up falling asleep instead. Sawamura too had become a solid constant in her life and the young girl just couldn't imagine her everyday life without him anymore. Not to mention, he had been the one starting video calls with Ten only to hand his phone over to her right after, pretending it wasn't happening on purpose or because her brother was worried.

What was still most astonishing though, was the fact how clingy Kuramochi could be. After he had left the room in a rush the other day and Maezono, the second vice-captain of the team, had gone after him, the green haired shortstop had spent what seemed like every spare minute of his free time in Sora's dorm room. He had even brought along his own game console to connect it to her TV and various of his DVDs and magazines were also scattered on her floor and on her desk by now. It looked like he wanted to move in any time soon and she sure as hell wouldn't allow him to have a set of his clothes in her room! No need to give him any weirder ideas! The green head had already spent over a night, but only because of his videogame obsession. Kuramochi had wanted to clear a last boss and Sora had been watching him out of her bed and both friends had forgotten the time. Since it had been in the middle of the night, he had asked for permission to crash right in her room and lacking a reason to decline, Sora had agreed. Really no necessity to repeat that though! Not that she had a problem with him, but her secret identity was more important.

"Well, I told you, I've always been pretty busy. That's not a problem for me, Mochi. I still don't think that I got that fever because I was stressing out..."

Kuramochi was lolling on the floor, lying on his stomach and was half-heartedly trying to solve some math problems. Sora was sitting right in front of him, cross legged and was giving him instructions.

"And I still can't believe that the coach of all people has agreed to let you keep that job. He's strictly against overworking his players and this is clearly adding unnecessary strain on your body"

What Sora didn't know, the reason why the green haired boy had almost lost his temper that day he had stormed out of her room, had been her tears. The shortstop just hadn't been able to bear seeing her cry any longer. Of course, he also had been pissed, he still was pissed, but seeing Sora so weak and sick and hurt... No! Definitely not! Kuramochi's heart wouldn't be able to take that again. It had felt like ripping him apart inside, so he was very glad that the blue head had recovered and was wearing the usual either gentle or mischievous little smile. And he honestly needed help with math!

"If it really was unnecessary, I wouldn't be doing it!" Sora deadpanned. "And you got your fifth result wrong. Try taking number two as example, you solved that one right"


The blue haired girl watched her friend with amusement as he furrowed his brows deeply and concentrated to correct his homework.

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