Unwanted encounter (edited)

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The cold night air wrapped around me, chilling the sweat on my skin as I faced off with Hisoka, the enigmatic figure who had inexplicably appeared in my path. His presence was unnerving, his intentions unclear but undoubtedly sinister. "Why are you here?" I managed to stammer out, my voice betraying more fear than I wanted to show. "Oh, nothing," Hisoka replied casually, his tone dripping with amusement. "Just wandering around, trying to find people, and it just so happened I ran into you~" A shiver ran down my spine at his words. Hisoka was no ordinary person; he exuded an aura of danger that was almost palpable. I steadied myself, trying to maintain composure despite the overwhelming urge to flee. "I know you followed me here," I stated, attempting to mask my fear with a facade of calmness. "What do you want?"

Hisoka's response was a coy smile, his eyes gleaming with something akin to hunger. "Whatsoever do you mean~" I stood there, my mind racing. Should I run? Fight? Hisoka was unpredictable, and I couldn't afford to make a wrong move. The surrounding forest seemed to close in, amplifying the tension between us. "Huh, you think I'm staying with this psycho," I muttered under my breath, my heart pounding in my chest. Without another thought, I turned and bolted, pushing myself to run faster than I ever thought possible.

"I like it when they run~" Hisoka's voice echoed behind me, sending a fresh wave of adrenaline through my veins. "Hell no! Get me out of here!" I yelled as I sprinted through the trees, Hisoka's deadly cards slicing through the surrounding air. Panic threatened to overwhelm me as I realized escape was futile. "Shit! I can't escape!" I cursed aloud, my legs burning with exertion. Another card grazed my leg, sending me sprawling forward. Pain shot through me as I hit the ground hard. "Damn, my leg!" I grimaced, struggling to rise. A dark figure loomed over me, and I looked up to see Hisoka, his presence looming like a sinister shadow.

"Uhh, we can talk about this, right?" I said, desperation creeping into my voice as I stood, ready to face whatever twisted game Hisoka had in store. "Okay, like what?" Hisoka's voice was disarmingly calm, but his eyes gleamed with anticipation. I scanned my surroundings frantically, my mind racing for an escape route. "How about—" Before I could finish, I hurled a rock towards Hisoka, hoping to create a distraction. Before I could react, a card sliced through the air, pinning my clothes to a nearby tree. "Shit!" I cursed, realizing I was trapped. Hisoka's laughter echoed through the forest as he walked away, leaving me to free myself from the card's grip. As I plucked the joker from the tree, I noticed blood smeared on its corner—a chilling reminder of Hisoka's sadistic nature.

Time skip

"Hello, friend, I see you're battered up," a voice called out, pulling me from my thoughts. "Where were you? You said we would talk later!" I snapped, turning to face Viserrdner, a figure cloaked in mystery and power. "Calm down, Y/n," Viserrdner replied calmly. "I was somewhere important." "Fine, what do you need now?" I asked, my frustration still lingering. "To continue our conversation about killing the gods that threaten this world," Viserrdner stated matter-of-factly. "Okay, so lay it on me while I bandage my wounds," I said, resigning myself to the fact that my life had taken a perilous turn.

Viserrdner explained the necessity of emphasizing the daunting task ahead. "Train hard, I will send my offsprings to help you," he concluded ominously, leaving me to contemplate the weight of his words. "What a way to drop a bombshell on me," I muttered, realizing that my survival depended on becoming stronger. As Viserrdner disappeared into the shadows, I tended to my wounds, bandaging my legs and arms with a sense of urgency. "Okay, I've got what I need. Now I should probably rest," I muttered to myself. "You do that. We can talk in your mind when you do, and I can stop the nightmares to an extent," Viserrdner's voice echoed in my thoughts. "Thanks, Vis. Can I call you Vis for short? 'Viserrdner' is too hard to say," I said with a faint smile."Sure, and I can call you N/n," Viserrdner replied warmly.

"Sure, now let's go back to that tree and sleep," I said, exhaustion weighing heavily on me. "Okay, just call my name to talk when you need me," Viserrdner instructed as I made my way back to the tree, setting up traps before finally succumbing to sleep.

Time Skip

The sound of a cry jerked me awake. Instinctively, I grabbed my katana and rushed to investigate, finding a figure caught in one of my traps—a black-suited ninja. "Why are you here?" I demanded, holding my katana to his throat, adrenaline coursing through me. "Uhh..." The ninja stammered, clearly caught off guard. "Speak, or I'll slice your head off," I threatened, pressing the blade closer.

"Okay, okay! I was sent by Viserrdner!" The ninja blurted out, his voice trembling."Oh, Vis. Why didn't you say that before?" I sighed, lowering my weapon slightly."I don't know, okay? You held a sword to my throat," the ninja retorted, his tone defensive."Fair enough. I'll cut the rope down," I said, releasing the trap and allowing the ninja to drop to the ground. "So, what do you need?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. "Well, first, my name is Hisako," the ninja introduced herself, regaining composure. "And this is Shizuko." Another figure dropped from the tree, identical to Hisako.

 "Shizuko," the newcomer added, bowing respectfully.

(from @ramenkuiteee) on the left is Hisako and on the right is Shizuko

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(from @ramenkuiteee) on the left is Hisako and on the right is Shizuko

"You were so cool taking down those people!" Hisako exclaimed, eyes shining with admiration. "Huh, you saw? But I didn't sense you there," I said, genuinely surprised. "It's because we specialize in stealth for Master Viserrdner," Hisako explained, a hint of pride in his voice. "Okay, so what do you need?" I repeated, refocusing on the matter at hand. "On behalf of Master Viserrdner, we are to train, watch over you, and protect you from others sent by the gods," Shizuko explained blankly. "Okay" I chuckled, amused by Hisako personality.

"Okay, well, let's go catch some fish for breakfast or something," I suggested, eager to break the tension. "Okay, Y/n! We can do it. You just sit there. I'll catch and cook food with Shizuko," Hisako declared, already bounding off. "Okay," I nodded, finding solace in the routine of survival tasks. I sat down by the tree, cleaning my katana as I awaited their return. "Man, I just had to run into pedo-man," I muttered to myself, shaking my head at the memory of Hisoka's unnerving presence. After finishing with my katana, I sheathed it and placed it at my waist."Hey, Shizuko, can you help me with my stealth?" I called out as they returned, still feeling uneasy about my encounter earlier."Okay, Y/n," Shizuko replied, eager to assist."Thank you" I say as we began our lesson.

Time Skip

"Food's done!" Hisako's voice broke through the peaceful morning, signaling the end of our training session. "Well, let's go eat, Shizuko," I said, putting aside the remnants of my unease."Yes, Y/n" Shizuko agreed, her demeanor warm and encouraging. "You did great for your first time learning from me." As we sat down to eat, I noticed the fish skewered on sticks and grabbed one, mirroring Shizuko and Hisako's actions. "How old are you guys, may I ask?" I say, wondering how old they are.
"We are the same age as you," Shizuko confirmed, a gentle smile on her face."Let's eat then!" I declared, eager to eat. As we ate, laughter filled the air, easing the weight of our shared burdens. As the meal ended, we settled under the Sakura tree and soon head to sleep leaning on each other.

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