Power description

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Reconciliation of the stars:

1. Celestial Energy Manipulation: The character can harness the energy of stars, allowing them to control and manipulate its forces for various purposes.

2. Lightning Speed Travel: Drawing power from the stars, the character can move at incredible speeds.

3. Luminous Shields: The ability to create protective shields or barriers using the radiance of stars, providing defense against physical and energy-based attacks.

4. Stellar Healing: The character can channel starlight for healing purposes, mending wounds and rejuvenating themselves or others.

5. S̸͙͔̪͂̀́̈́̔͘ͅę̴̲͓͓̒̈́͘͜i̷̟̩̗͎̱̟̟͓͐z̵̛͙͕͎̣̏̈́̈͑̈́͝â̵̫͚̦̫̙͜ ̴̩̞̟̉ṣ̸̤̲̲̱͒́͠h̵̥̭̹͒̏́̿͛̇̓̌͝ō̵͇̤̖̟͇̭̬̯͌́̑́̽̕͜͝ͅk̶͈̗͈̥͊͌͝ä̵̯̞̪̪̮̙̭̩̣́̓̓̽͐̄̋͘̕n̷͍̅̿̃̕: ¿¿¿ᗩᗷᓰᒪᓰᖶᖻ ᖶᓍ ᑢᗩᒪᒪ ᑘᕵᓍᘉ ᖶᕼᘿ ᕵᓍᘺᘿᖇ ᓍᖴ Sᕵᘿᑢᓰᖴᓰᑢ ᑢᓍᘉSᖶᘿᒪᒪᗩᖶᓰᓍᘉS, ᘿᗩᑢᕼ ᘜᖇᗩᘉᖶᓰᘉᘜ ᑘᘉᓰᕴᑘᘿ ᗩᗷᓰᒪᓰᖶᓰᘿS ᓍᖇ ᘿᘉᕼᗩᘉᑢᘿᘻᘿᘉᖶS???

The rest will be revealed throughout the story

Drawbacks for Stars Powers:

1. Energy Dependency: The character's powers are directly tied to the availability of starlight. In the absence of stars or during cloudy nights, their abilities may be significantly weakened.

2. Cosmic Instability: Channeling the immense energy of stars can be overwhelming, leading to potential cosmic imbalances that might have unintended consequences on the character or their surroundings.

3. Solar Flare Backlash: will start to feel like he is being burnt alive if overused too much.

4. Celestial Alignment Requirements: Certain powerful abilities may only be accessible during specific celestial events, limiting the character's capabilities at other times.

5. Interstellar Fatigue: The immense power of stars could cause mental and physical exhaustion, especially after extended use of their abilities, leaving the character vulnerable.

Sorry I have been gone for a while, but I'm back now for a long time with my exams ending soon so ya to that! 

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