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Azula was now around 19 still calling Jake and Neytiri his mom and dad. Even though they had welcomed four more children into the world he still never felt like they loved him any less.

Jake and Neytiri's family had now grown quite a bit, with welcoming their oldest son into the world, Neteyam, fifteen years ago, Lo'ak, their youngest son who was now fourteen, and finally Tuktirey, their youngest, who was now eight. Their oldest daughter was not their biological daughter, like Azula. She was born from Grace's avatar. They don't know how but they gladly took her in and have treated her as their own ever since. They were glad that even though they don't have Grace by their side anymore, they at least have a part of her with them.

The five children have become very close, always by each other's sides. Azula has become very protective over them, especially the girls.

Even though they had a family now their situation did change, they were now very on edge because the sky people had returned, now sending train carts with supplies. They were trying to make Pandora their home and push the Navi's out.

Azula, Neteyam, and Lo'ak were up in the sky on their Ikrans being spotters, all side by side.

"Bro we've got to get down there," Lo'ak yelled at Neteyam. "No, Dad will skin us!" Neteyam yelled back. "Don't be a wuss." Now Lo'ak had already dove down and all Neteyam and Azula could do was follow him. They both signed and reluctantly dove down.

Neteyam and Azula's Ikrans landed beside Lo'ak's and ran towards him. Lo'ak now with a gun in his hand that another Navi had given him. "Do you even know how to use it?" Neteyam yelled through the engulfing smoke surronding them. "Dad taught me." Lo'ak replied with a battle call following as he brought the gun up above his head.

"We should get out of here, Neteyam's right. Dad will skin us!" Azula was now grabbing onto his youngest brother's arm.

"Incoming!" Jake yelled through the coms on the Navi's necks. As Jake voiced through the com, he noticed his sons down on the ground. He sighed angrily at the sight but of course dove down trying to get to them before it hit.

All three boys looked up as they saw a bomb coming straight towards them, they started to run but it hit right in the middle of them, splitting them up.

Jake spotted Lo'ak through the smoke and ran up to him grabbing his shoulders. "Where's your brothers?" Jake said worried. "Neteyam was over there but I don't know where Azula is," Lo'ak now pointing to the direction he last saw Neteyam. "Go back!" Jake said as he ran off to find his two oldest sons.

Neteyam ran up to Jake, slightly scraped up. "Where's Azula?" Jake asked sternly. "I don't know," Neteyam looked down at his feet. "Ok, I'll find him. Just go back." Jake said rubbing his son's arms. Neteyam just nodded as he ran towards his Ikran.

Now Jake was running around the train looking for his son. As he came down off the train, he saw bodies. Searching through them, he kept calling his son's name. He grunted as he couldn't seem to find him. He was starting to really worry, more than he already was.

He heard a grunt along the bodies lying along the ground. He went to the body as he rolled him over, he saw his sons face. He cupped his cheek, "Boy, what are you doing?" All Azula could do was grunt as Jake put he across his shoulders.

Jake got on his Ikran, setting Azula down behind him. They flew back to home base, with Azula resting his head on Jake's back and holding onto him tightly.

As they all arrived back at home base, Neteyam and Lo'ak unattached their queues from their Ikrans and dismounted them. Neytiri landed and disconnected the bond from her Ikran as her youngest daughter, Tuk ran to her calling her. She ran straight into her mother's arms as Neytiri was repeatedly calling her daughters name.

Jake came in on his Ikran with Azula with him. Neteyam and Lo'ak looked at each other with worry in their eyes. "Do you think he's okay?" Lo'ak nudged Neteyam but all he did was shrug.

Jake helped Azula off of his Ikran as he walked in front of the three boys. He rubbed in between his brows and started to sternly speak, "You guys are supposed to be Spotters! Spot incoming attacks. From a distance!"

All three boys now looking down with their ears perked down. Azula stepped forward, "I take full responsibility," he said reaching out his hands. "Yeah you do because your the older brother! You gotta act like it." Jake now looking at his oldest son.

Kiri walked over checking Azula as Jake started to speak to her, "Girls go help your grandmother with the wounded." Kiri still checking Azula, "My brother is wounded." Jake who didn't want to fight with her waved her to Tuk, "Please just go and bring Tuk with you." Kiri rolled her eyes but listened to her father.

Neytiri looked at Jake who was still scolding the boys, "Ma Jake, your son is wounded." Azula raised his hand up, "Its fine, mother." Azula said.
"Go get patched up, dismissed." Jake told Azula as Neytiri grabbed his arm and lead him to Mo'at.

"You do realize you almost got your brother killed." Jake said mainly looking at Lo'ak.
"You will tend to all the ikrans. Got it." Jake instructed the two boys. "Yes sir." They both said.

Authors note-

I hope this makes sense and has some relevance to the movie. Thanks for reading and if you enjoyed it make sure to vote and comment. <33

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