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Azula was sat was Lo'ak, Vara, Neteyam, Aonung, Kiri and Tsireya. They were just talking as "friends" do. Aonung constantly picked on Lo'ak, Azula and Neteyam constantly threatening Aonung if he did it again, the two girls gossiping and giggling at the boys stupid antics and jokes.

"Azula," Vara whispered through Aonung picking on Lo'ak once again.

Azula hummed as he kept his eye on Aonung making sure things didn't go to far, "can I talk to you for a second?" She stated.

"Yeah sure what it is?" He stated leaning in so she could whisper it, "alone." She almost hissed.

"Oh. Uhm sure." Azula repeated as she grabbed him by the wrist and drug him behind a rock.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Lo'ak called out but was met with no answer as they were already behind the rock.

"What did you ne-" Azula was cut off when Vara's lips smashed into his. Azula widened his eyes, shocked but quickly got over it as he slid his hand on her cheek to deepen the kiss.

Little did the two know that the other five teenagers had snuck up behind the rock and we're watching them. Everyone's jaw dropped except for Neteyam's. He just stood there with a smirk on his face.

"Bro do you not see what's happening. How are you not jaw dropping?" Lo'ak smacked his brother.

Neteyam stayed silent as he rubbed the place Lo'ak had smacked him, "you know don't you?" Tsireya commented.

"What I no I uh." Neteyam stuttered, "you do." Lo'ak accused.

"Fine, Azula told me the other night." Neteyam rolled his eyes. "How come he tells you everything?" Lo'ak almost yelled but was calmed down when Tsireya smacked him on the head, telling him to be quiet.

Vara opened her eyes as she looked over at the rock, her lips still on Azula's. She pulled away as a confused expression spread across her face.

"What is it, Vara?" Azula stated as his hand was still caressing her cheek.

"I think they're watching us." She whispered as she looked up at Azula, worryingly.

Azula grabbed her by the hand as he brought her out from behind the rock and was meet with the five faces of their friends.

Vara looked up at Azula, "I didn't want anyone to know yet." She whispered as a sad expression replaced the once confused one.

"How could you not tell me. I'm your best friend." Tsireya said as she stepped towards Vara.

"Reya, I'm sorry. I just-I didn't want anyone to know just yet. I promise you would've been the first person I told." Vara replied.

"If me and Lo'ak did something like that I would run straight to you." Tsireya retorted.

"What" Aonung eyed Lo'ak.

"Like we didn't know." Neteyam put his arm out infront of Aonung and rolled his eyes.

Vara scanned the others faces and noticed the shocked looks all except for Neteyam, she titled he head as she inspected his look. She looked up at Azula, "you told Neteyam didn't you?" She questioned.

"How does everybody know?" Neteyam threw his arms up.

"Bro, your not good at hiding anything." Azula commented.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you guys earlier." Azula stated as Vara agreed.

"It's fine we all knew it was going to happen." Lo'ak commented.

Tsireya smacked him again, "what was that for?" Lo'ak questioned. "For opening your mouth." Tsireya replied.

The group all laughed at her remark as they went to sit back down and talk for a little while longer until they had to be home.

Eclipse had fallen and everybody had to go home. Vara had taken Azula by the hand and made him walk her home. Azula was scared to because he didn't want Tonowari and Ronal to see him with her but she assured that they wouldn't.

They got to her pod as Vara stepped closer to Azula, "you know I realize that your really annoying." Vara raised her eyebrows, accusingly.

"What, how?" Azula stuttered.

Vara just giggled as she patted him on the chest and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"How am I annoying, Vara?" Azula questioned again as she walked into her pod, completely ignoring him.

Azula threw his hands up and turned around to walk back to his own pod. He couldn't tell if it was just her another one of her sarcastic jokes or if she really meant it. It would most likely keep him up all night.

authors note

I hope yall like this chapter and thank you for 1k reads!! Also its my birthday today!!
Anyways if you liked this chapter pls vote and comment <3

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