Seeing Stars

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A young Zahav and Kesef run around their room in pajamas. Their mother, Sitri, is trying to calm them down. "Children, please calm down."

Zahav and Kesef laugh as they chase each other, ignoring their mother. Sitri sighs and she waves her hand in the air and balls of water surround the two kids. 

Zahav and Kesef blink a few times as they float within the bubble. Sitri moves the two kids to their respective beds, then the bubbles pop and they fall onto their beds; not wet at all.

"Now, it's bed time kids." Sitri calmly says with a smile on her face.

"But mom, we're not tired!" The two children yell at the same time.

Sitri rubs her temples. "You've dealt with Koach when she was a child, you can deal with this stuff again." She whispers to herself. Then she clears her throat. "How about I tell you kids a story."

"Yes!" Zahav loudly says.

"We like stories!" Kesef loudly says.

"Children, please lower your voices, it's night time." Sitri sternly says.

"Sorry mother." The children apologize. 

Sitri smiles. "Okay, In the great expanse of the nether there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomenon the great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula but once every one thousand years our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight from the deep eldritch recesses of the cosmos the tears of a forgotten colossus begin to fall.  Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be. Condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display. What appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower we can see for what it is: Azathoth's Tears."

"Wow." The two hell fox children have stars in their eyes. 

"Can we go see that mother!" Kesef asks.

"Yeah, that sounds so cool!" Zahav smiles.

Sitri gives a soft chuckle. "We shall my children, I'll take you there myself and we'll watch it together. Okay, now it's bed time."

Sitri turns around and walks towards the door.

"But mother, we're still not tired." Zahav and Kesef whine.

Sitri sighs and turns around "How about a lullaby? Will you go to bed then?" The two kids nod. "Okay then." Sitri clears her throat.

Sitri starts to sing. "As we were out a-hunting, One morning in the spring.
Both hounds and horses 
Running well
Made the hills and the valleys 

Sitri dances around the room.

"But to our great misfortune
No fox there could be found.
Our huntsmen cursed and swore but still
No fox moved over the ground."

Sitri hands Zahav his demonic teddy bear and he hugs it.

"And up spoke out master huntsman
The master of the chase.
If only the devil himself come by
We'd run him such a race
And up there sprung like lighting
A fox from out of his hole."

Sitri dances over to Kesef and boops her nose.

"His fur was the color of a starless night
And his eyes like burning coals.
And they chased him over the valley.
And they chased him over the fields.
They chased him down to the river bank.
But never would he yield."

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