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Inks pov

"Your tacos fucking suck." I say, throwing it back down onto the plate. Blue deflates slighty while Dream glares, ready for a fight.

"I am getting sick of your attitude- hey! wait! let me yell at you!" Dream groans in frustration while I walk through a portal and immediately close it.

I plop myself down on the rocks in Outertale. The stars look pretty tonight, at least. I begin to grab rocks or anything small and close to me, throwing them hard over the ledge, getting satisfying 'clicks' as they land on different surfaces.

I'm here for a good while, just throwing things and shutting my brain off. Why would anyone check on me? It's not like I'm a good person.  I like it that way.

Suddenly, tentacles wrap around my waist. He didn't even bother stepping through his portal, just reached through.  I groan and get ready for a fight, only to be thrown into a room.

It's bright. Like ridiculously bright in here. I put my hand to my face to block it out for a moment, until my eyes adjust. The minute I put it down I see at least ten skeletons gathered around me. Oh shit.

No weapons were drawn, but they did take Broomie, my only escape.  They all looked either hostile, or bored. Or both, if that was even possible. 

"Ink, Dream has been recording you for the past few weeks. Every interaction you have with Blue. Enough is enough Ink. You're unnecessarily cruel to someone you call your friend. I want an explanation, and I want a good one" Classic calls out, being directly infront of me. "Do not deflect.  Every Sans here has tried talking with you, and you give excuses."

They're right.  This isn't the first time someone has pressured an answer out of me. Its getting beyond frustrating at this point.  They've done everything from talking all buddy-buddy to threatening to snap my legs off and feed them to Horror.

"Because I hate him, okay??" I finally scream. It feels like a weight is lifted off my chest as I finally say the words that have been trapped in my throat for months.

The room seems to shift. No one expected me to actually admit anything, let alone something like that.

"Why..?" Dream asks, not taking his eyes off the floor "Is it because him and I are dating? And you hate that?"

"No! I mean, well, no!" I growl out, standing up, only to be harshly pushed back down.
"And why do you care? All you do is hurt us??" I bark at the Bad Sanses that showed up. Not the entire gang, just about four of them.

"Because we don't pretend to be something we're not. We wouldn't pretend to like someone for personal gain, but secretly hate them, you piece of shit" Error speaks up from the corner.  Didn't even know he was here.

"I absolutely love how all of you blindly love Blue! He-"

"Stop. Stop it. He is a good person, Ink. Unlike you. If you're going to call out his faults, then maybe look in the mirror. Yours outweigh his by a ridiculous amount"

"No! He was a good person.  Now he is just a shell of who he once was-" I stop talking, realizing I'm about to spill everything.

"No, continue Ink." Cross said. When I refuse he brings his knife out, poking me in the neck with it. "I said continue"

I try to back away from it, only for Nightmare to keep me in place with his tentacles.

"You know what?? Fine! I'm tired of keeping this a secret anyway!!" I shout, my body full of adrenaline.  It feels like I'm shaking and about to throw up.

The room seems to fall silent, as everyone waits for me to speak.

Then I start.

"I loved him. With all of my heart. I loved how heroic he was, how nice he was, and how he always seemed to become stronger once he was knocked down. And... he loved me back. So much, that we got married. I was nervous, not thinking I could love someone, especially him as much as he deserved. But he would always give me that.. smile and reassure me. One day, I got sick. So sick that it was hard to walk....-"

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