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I wake up in my bed, the one beside my brother, Sans. My bed is so soft and plushy that I don't want to roll out of it. But I do, and fall right onto the floor, giggling.

Sans shoots straight up, before sighing.

"Stop doing that" the older scolded.

I don't respond as I stand up and get ready for the day, throwing on my olive green overalls and red-violet shirt on. No shoes, as I hate them. Dad hates that I don't wear shoes, he even bought me a few pairs to see which kind would work, but I never wear them. I think Dad's name is Undertop. Papas is Zephyr.  But of course to me it's Dad and Papa.

Papyrus sleeps in the other room, and for that I don't actually have a reason.  Sans is the eldest, so it's not as if the two youngest were stuck in a room. Nor the two oldest. I've never understood why.

I creep down the stairs, before anyone else wakes up and begin to watch some television. Papa doesn't like me watching it so early, but I don't understand why its bad. Theres a lot I don't understand, actually.

Soon, Dad comes down and scolds me for watching the 'blasted thing' before breakfast and takes me to the table, where everyone else was waiting. How did they all get past me without me noticing? Maybe the episode was too good or, the more likely, I'm not observant.

"We have someone special coming today." Dad smiles.

"Is it the Heros??" I jump up from the table.

"Yes, baby, Dream and Swap are visiting today."

Dream and Swap are the Heros of the Multiverse! They're so cool! They save people and keep us safe. I want to be like them someday, but Dad tells me my place is here.

I rub my head, the side that always hurts, and wince slighlty.

"We will visit Medic today," Papa says,  getting worried. "You're... headaches are getting worse."

"Okay," I whimper and sit down.

Dad puts a bowl of oatmeal in front of me. Its alwayd oatmeal since a lot of foods make me sick, including eggs. Come to think of it, a lot of things make me sick.

"Try a bite," Dad pleads.

"It feels too bad," I sigh. 

Dad picks me up, my feet dangling from under his arm. He takes me upstairs and puts an ice pack on my head, before tucking the blankets over me. Its a thick quilt and a soft heated blanket now. Enough to keep me cozy.

Papa brings up a cup of tea, with chamomile and mint to help me sleep. I'm sure he also put a magic spell on it to help me sleep. I'm not allowed to use magic. They put small resistor cuffs on my wrists for everyones safety.  Last few times I used magic were a disaster. Dad just says its because I'm young. We try every so often to see if its under control, but it never is. My magic being cuffed also unfortunately means I cant use healing magic on myself.  Which is obviously a bummer. 

I let out a whine in pain as Papa helps me drink the tea. Its cooled enough that I can gulp it down quickly.  I let my head fall to the side.

The next thing I know is a gloved hand shakes me awake. I immediately know who's hand it is.

"Dream!" I shoot up.

"Hi, Ink. Nice to see you." He smiled.

"Sorry I'm in Jammies and in bed-" I begin.

"It's all okay. Wanna take a walk?" He asked.

I jump out of bed and grab a drawing I did of the three of us, handing it to Swap.

"It's lovely, Ink." Swap gave a sad smile.

That confuses me. Theres always something I can't touch that is so ... there. It's like something so obvious. Something I'm just not getting. They always smile sadly, and there's alwayd an air of something... more.  It's frustrating. Always frustrating.  Like a joke you're not in on.

"What's wrong?" I ask, annoyed, but trying to be respectful of our heros. 

"Nothing, honey. I wish we could hang out more.. is all" he said.

"Oh! Okay. We totally can!" I smile.

"Sure" he gave the same smile...

After hours of talking, walking and drawing, they had to leave. I was more mature then throwing a fit on the floor infront of everyone, but man, I definitely wanted to.

I watched from the window as they created a portal and left.  That word is somehow familiar.. Create.

Dad takes me to the bathroom and fills up the tub, and gets me in it. No one likes me washing myself because I either forget I'm in water and hurt myself, or I get upset seeing all the marks on my body. Dad says I was in a big accident years ago. I don't remember what exactly happened, but apparently it was a bad one.

Sans knocks on the door and asks if he can help in anyway.  Dad lets him in and he distracts me as Dad scrubs me down. I didn't even realize I was crying. The emotions sometimes overwhelm me.

They treat me like a toddler a lot, this being a good example.  Dad is cleaning me while Sans distracts me with bath toys.

I have dreams a lot. About being with the heros. We fight the Bad Sanses, and save the multiverse. Sometimes it doesn't go so well. Sometimes we get captured or hurt. The first time I had a dream like this I was taken to the Medic, where Dad and Papa spoke with him outside the door for a while in hushed worried tones.  It still haunts me, the words that slipped under the door frame what day.

'What if he remembers'

Remembers what

Dad scoops me out of the bath and takes me to Sanses and my room, dressing me and putting me to bed.

It feels like some cracks are beginning to form.




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