Ink x Night x Error

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Ship from InkedPastel, go give her love
Also, ship is not shoved in your face, im sorry about that


Ink sat alone on the edge of hotlands, right outside of Sci's office. The heat was radiating off his small body and painting his face a soft pink.
He stays there for what seems like hours as the guilt builds up in his souless chest... he can't believe that happened. That he could do something like that..
It couldnt be that bad as everything does stay here....

Blue strings wrap around his body and hoist him up with the owner giving Ink a disappointed look.
"Your all burnt now..." he sighed, pressing his thumb into the smallers cheek, creating a soft indent.
"Error I really don't care.  And you know I dont care.... how is he?"
Error sighs and takes me into the lab where a broken skeleton lay, with other skeletons surrounding him. All of his family. Hostility lined the air as Ink limps over and takes Horrors hand, apologizing over and over. He may be a killer, but almost everyone knew it was for show. The battles, the hatred, the corruption... just a sick show pulled together with strings they couldnt see, by hands they couldnt feel, guided by emotions they couldnt understand.
Horrors head lazily rolled over to meet Inks tear streaked face. His face forced his mouth to move and  gave his fighter smile, mainly known as his sadistic one.
The artist gives up and breaks while wrapping his small arms around Horrors chest. Farm takes his lovers hands as the monitor beeps that one continuous sound, as his body disintegrated.
Sci forced Ink off the dust covered table, no need for a white sheet. He didnt stay....

His voice seemed montion and heavy
"2:47 am. Death by corrosion paint"

Three week time skip

The sound of the repative clicking of the pen rings throughout the white walls. The guardian banishes himslef to the pure white hellscape every time he does something out of line or feels something other than his normal slef. His fear was consuming him. What if he killed another of his friends becuase his inability to control his actions. The way Horror screamed when the paint was thrown still rings throughout his mind in the dead of night or random times, making silent tears roll down his cheeks.
No one blamed Ink of course. To his face, atleast. He knew all the rumors, since he started many himself, hoping Classic will excute him for manslaughter. No one wanted him t bring Horror back, since it wouldnt be thier Horror. At that point it would just be a copy and constant reminder of the person they had lost.
Just one wrong vial had his friend killed. Thats why he duct taped them all shut, since Dream wouldnt allow him to smash them. No time could be told in his escapable prison, but he knew Error would come to drag him out soon, calling him stupid for basically putting himself in timeout.

True to his thought, a hand just reached through and dragged Ink through, dumping him in his own bed. Dream closed the portal and left Error with Ink, after giving him the stern look the stars feared.

"Look, you...... you cant blame yourself for-"
"Yes i can and i do"
"Yes but-"
"No buts"
"Let me finish"
"No, cuz your gonna spout bullshi-"
"SHUT UP FOR SECOND" he seethed. Ink looked at him bored and unfazed. As always. Error didnt trust ink not to ruin his dialogue and make this longer, so he slaps tape over his mouth.

"Ive killed many who dont come back, Sugar, Undertop Sans, Flowerfell Sans.... almost fresh, whos in a coma. Everyone of them except fresh haunts me. Someone helped me get over it... and theyre gonna help you" he said, as a statement.
Ink wasnt given a choice in this. He was manhandled through the portal, and thrown on another bed. This one was softer and had a soft fur covering it.

Ink kept his head down into the blanket until the tentacle slipped under his waist and propped him up. What were those two's deal with his waist and their disgint features. Nightmare ripped the tape off his mouth, earning a small scream of pain from him.

Error climbs onto the bed as Ink rubs his mustache of pain.
"What?" He snapped rudley

Night rolled his eyes and put Ink on his lap, so he was facing Nightmares direction.  A soft, warm hand slid under his chin and pushed his gaze up to the ceiling. The giant space was covered in star patterns with pictures of folklore .
Error sits beside them and points to a huge picture of a moonrising

Nightmare nods in confirmation "that....that is where Horror is... hes among the stars.... waiting for the sun to rise on the new world. He hasnt much died as been reborn. Reborn into something else. Something better than what we could give him here.... still the same...yet changed somehow....we wait for that sun to rise on the new day when our brothers come back to us as new. With each moon cycle brings us even closer... theyll be back soon. Back as something we wouldnt even imagine. Something we long to be. That doesnt mean we can kill whomever, but its easy to loose control.... and thats okay. His life as who we knew may be over but we will wait here to see who he has become. Understand....?" He whispered softly to the guardian.

He didnt fully accept it. But agreed any way...

Night chuckled and picked Ink up, taking him to the large graveyard. The spot is covered with echo and every flower Ink could create. All the sights brought Ink his knees on the hard ground, in abosulte agony.
Night grabs his arms and brings him up to his chest.

"Shh shhhh. Look...their physical remains may be here...but look. They all rest up there"
He uses his goopy tentacle to point at the sky

"Hes up there....watching over us. Hes waiting, just as us for the new world.... he'll be back soon" he smiled reassuringly and kissed his head. Before taking him back to his bedroom.
He puts the exhausted artist in his bed alongside the glitch and used magic to force them into thier sleeps.

Inks dream was coated with his memories of Horror...
He taught Ink the song again, sparred, made a ton of food like when they met, and got the one line that borderline reassures or haunts him, but definitely sticks with him.
"Ill be waiting"

The song and words stuck with him as he slowly began to accept and believe them.
Inks basically moved in with Night and Error, who always reassured him hes not crashing thier unlabeled relationship.

Everynight they visit the grave sight of thier fallen family and watch them sparkle in the sky. It was always saddening, but had a warm feeling behind it. One none of them could place. Every time he asked Dream he just chuckled at him. It made him feel childish in Dreams eyes.

Of course there was still the weekly battle, that Ink began to rejoin. Not to his liking, but it needed to happen or everyone would suffer the consequences of his actions. But he always looked forward to visiting the grave and sleeping next to his new favourite skeletons.

The time came again to visit Horror, Sugar, Undertop, Flowerfell, SwapFell, CatTail, Legotale and now Fresh

They chose to walk as normal, Error tucking the telescope under his arm while Ink runs ahead of the two, singing the song as usual. Night holds Error close with his tentacle, but alas the smaller got away. He went up to the graves and said his hellos to the sky, waiting for the slower. He sat under the tree, the shade casting a dark shadow to contrast the purple hued night. It hid him from the rest of the world as he talked to his fallen friend. Nightmare waits for him to finish talking before snatching him up in a playful manner. Ink squeels of uncontroable joy as Error joins on the fake attack.
It just makes it better, the knowledge of thier fallen friends are smiling with them through this.

"Lets go in the garden
Youll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down
When you finally find it
Youll see how its faded
The underside is lighter when you turn it around
Everything stays
Right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slighlty
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays"

100% gonna be a comic soon-

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