Mystery but not really ship

618 17 3

Inks pov Mother fuckers

I lay a book to the side of the crimson table and get up to the window. The afternoon sun greets my face as I take in the landscape. Its still the same landscape as always but it still takes my breath away.
The greens that intwine with the browns. The lake that barely laps over the flowers surrounding its bay. The Ray's of golden sunshine that make it all glow.
Straight out of the fairytales I read.

It's all I've ever known.

Of course I've never left. If I do I can hurt people.
They've always been stern as they tell me this. My eyes will turn people into stone.
It sounds ridiculous but the people who come here dont look at me. If they do they'll turn completley stone. At the sides of thier heads I can see their eyes match. Mine dont.
One doesnt even look like theirs to begin with! That's the one. That's the eye that keeps me locked in this place.

I've looked in mirrors before to see if they treat me in the same way. I'm still alive so the answer is no.

I have no intentions in running away. I dont wanna hurt anyone. Ever.

My white cloth wraps around my head like a blindfold as I go outside.  Nothing ever changes, so I'm able to navigate these woods, well, blindfolded and barefoot.

Today is the day they drop more things off for my wellbeing. They banished me here as a young child so I wouldnt hurt anyone. Only these checks in is when I am around others.

Soon people began to come into this forest to see me. Like I'm some kind of show or exhibit.
One group of kids took it too far when they attacked me. I had to be hospitalized for two weeks and no one besides them were allowed to come inside the forest walls. Punishment be eqiviled to treason.

I stand at the end of the long pathway and wait for the carriage to come. Well  I believe it's a carriage. It sounds like one, although I've never seen it.

Someone picks me up and puts me on a surface before taking my arm. Something sharp goes in.

It's just bloodwork.  They take my vitals aswell to make sure I'm not sick and dying.
It's so silent. Never a word spoken when they do this. Only the parting farewells and reminders break that silence.

Theres at least three people with them. You dont need special enhanced hearing from.years of listening to hear thier heavy foot prints.

The sharp thing gets taken out and the velcro thing gets ripped off.
Good. one presses me so tight I cant feel my arm and the other steals my blood.

They take my arm in a gloved hand and bandage it up.






He takes me off and sets me down before scribbling things on paper.

Another comes and gives me a basket

"supplies. How's the garden?"



"full and clean"


how I hate these 'conversations'
I long for the ones I read in my books. The long, detailed ones full of care and meaning.

Another comes back from the forest

"He hasn't lied. Everything is set in there" The voice says.
They've probably ruined my house again.

"alright. Time to go. Dont mess up, Ink" the last gruff voice says, packing up.
I stand on the edge of the forest as the carriage rolls away. That's it. That's my only interactions.

I let out a sigh and turn around, heading back to my little cottage house. It's the first thing I see when I take off my blindfold off. The first time it's safe. I smile and move forward throughout the roots and mud that lines the trail. My mind fills with the image of my little house. I get excited easily, even though I see it in ten minutes. The overgrown plants that cling to the clay walls and the hay roof that the black birds always sit. I cannot wait.

My feet carry me back until the bridge appears. I slowly take off my blindfold and gasp as I see my house again. They ripped a few of the vines down. All of the birds are in hiding. The clay has a hole through it! A few windows are broken with some of my belongings outside of it, covered in glass.

My fist tightens around my cloth as I take some deep breaths. It has never been this bad.

Well, this gives me something to do, I suppose.  I wish they had more respect for the plant life, though.

I go inside and see all the damage there. Was it necessary to flip my table?
Everything was in dissary. The stewing pot was smashed, leaving the vegetables strewn across the floor.

I just put my cloth down and begin to clean. Flipping over the table, putting the items back away, then beginning on the glass. Just grabbing my corn broom, and sweeping it into a metal bucket.

Soon the house gets decent. The windows covered in boards to protect me from the harsh wind. The glass gone. More stew cooking for my dinner, yes I requested more pots. Theyve done this before.

I finally grab the basket they gave me. Beef cubes, ground beef, chicken breast, salom fillets are the only meet in there, wrapped in a blue plaid cloth. The other items appear to be chocolate, flour, spices, yeast, canning and juice jars, some cleaning items, gloves, a few sewing items, a new book and cloth. I put the meat away in the refrigerator and go around placing the other items away. I'm so greatful. Without them I'd never live so luxuriously.

I smile once again and grab some bread, butter, cheese and carrots. My lunch!
I decide on an outdoor lunch this time. My blindfold isnt needed as no one is out here.

I change my dress to a soft blue one with my apron, and putting the food in my basket.  As soon as everything was done, I head out to my favourite spot. A spot where I can see the kingdom. Never any houses but the large black castle the juts out of the trees.
With glee, I begin to run. The forest is my only way to go. I giggle and begin to let the uncertain, but bad feelings from the visit melt away quickly. The branches whip past me as I dodge them and the roots that threaten to trip me.

It's gotten easy over the years to travel all these ways without difficulty. The forest is my friend. It can hurt me but we always make up.

It takes a good twenty minutes to get to the hill. I planted a few vegetables here as an excuse to come, just incase I was caught. They look ready to go, so tomorrow I will pick them.

I let myself fall in a sitting postion, as my cloth worries on what to do. It flutters around me as I giggle. Finally it settles and so do I. 

Leaning against the tree i look at the castle, wondering what I life full of people would be like. Waking up and being able to talk to someone. Dont talking to plants and animals are amazing, but they never answer back. I've always dreamed of a full conversation. One that means something other then will I die in the next month.

Thinking on that, why dont they allow me to die? Do they fear me?
maybe that's the answer. But I'm so gentle.. and the things they bring are only for luxury.

Maybe it's so they know I'm still here. That I didnt run into the village.
But that doesnt make sense I dont know where that is.

I take another bite of my sandwich and just stare off.

Maybe it's something I'm not thinking of.

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