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"I'm too consumed with my own life, are we too young for this? Feels like I can't move."
- Softcore, The Neighbourhood



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•°. *࿐

Later that night, she and Malìk ate in silence alone. There wasn't a single word exchanged between the two, barely sat near each other until she began feeling strange again.

A type of disconnection from this reality, trying to piece everything together all in one go. She was weak, and she felt miserable. Her mate quickly caught on, moving closer to her and gesturing if she was done with her food. Dahliä slowly looked at him without saying anything and when he began feeding her, hell, he even helped her clean up and tucked her to bed.

She wasn't weak, she knew that so... why she was like this now? Did the stabbing really effect her body this much?

At night she tossed and turned, too scared to fall asleep. Scared... what is being scared to her?

Scared to lose her family?

Scared to lose sense of herself?

Scared to be weak?

But to be scared to fall asleep is stupid. She couldn't sleep even if she wasn't scared, Malìk would sit by the opening of their pod, staring at sky and observing the stars.

Dahliä couldn't read his mind, but maybe she didn't want to know what he was thinking.

What did he think of her?

•°. *࿐

The small rays of the sun hit her face, her eyes slowly opening, she heard rattling around her. If it was before, she would've quickly grabbed her knife and killed whoever it was, but now, she's too weak to even walk fast. "You're awake!"

Who's voice was this?

She saw a boy sitting next to her, almost keeping watch, as a girl was in the corner with a cup with what seemed to have medicine in. "Lo'ak? Tsireya?"

"Yes, it's us." Her brother replied, slightly relieved she recognized them. A small worried smile crept on his face, "How are you feeling?"

"Wheres Malìk?"

The two exchanged looks before the girl replied, "He has duties but was too scared to leave you alone."

"Duties? What duties?" Dahliä kept asking as she sat up, Lo'ak helped his sister find a comfortable position to sit in without hurting her wound. "Nothing too important-."

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