Kissy Faces

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Link excelled in thoughtful quiet - at least, he's heard from a good many ladies along the road just how refreshing the strong, silent type is. And yes, just how understanding and brave and witty and helpful and cute he is too, give or take a certain amount of disconcerted fiddling with his gear. He found out just how thick innuendo could hang in the air after his very first visit to Kakariko.

Ah, aha, ahahahahhhh..

It certainly wasn't the same walking around with the Princess!

An internal monologue usually kept his boredom at bay. Who could guess the Hero of Hyrule is a sarcastic smartarse with puns for every situation?

But he wasn't bored. She had gently touched a tender spot with the heartfelt mention of a mother - he'd been wondering about that. For eons. His streams of wandering thought while walking up the slope were like a still pond for once, and walking side by site with Zelda felt like the promise of sunshine after rain.

Kakariko to begin with held a special place in his heart, for the simple fact of Impa's guiding hand in a time when he'd been utterly rudderless. For little Cottla and Koko and their loyal father sharing cooking recopies in the late afternoon, for Paya's besotted help with purchasing new clothes when he'd shown up ragged and cold and wet from the rain, and for the intangible feeling of being rooted him to the soil. Hylian soil, Hylian dirt and blood and sweat and smiles and the very distinct feeling of belonging somewhere.

Zelda felt a little like home too.

The prevailing memories of his dutiful self to her royal Highness were warring against a new, unknown quantity bubbling to the surface. She was... a friend?

Up ahead the narrow gorge to the village was looming, so Link led his horse and his new, old friend under the shade of a tree near the path.

' Best let Epona graze around here, ' he signed freely, before reaching up to offer her a hop down from the saddle. The village couldn't provide quite as much grass as the landscape just outside the village (and Claree wouldn't unexpectedly chew his ear off again for depriving her angoras of fodder!). Zelda's hands grasped his forearms with a more confident grip since the night before, and he swung her down.

"Wait..?" Her voice interrupted his turn towards the path after pulling his bow and quiver from the mare's saddle, and he trailed her to the foot of the tree where she tightened her strappy sandals. The slope hadn't been kind to her ankles in the leather thongs. She seemed to linger plenty over them, likely checking for raw spots, so he leant himself against the trunk for a luxurious stretch to get the yawns out of his system.

Impa DID keep a proper court in her living room, SOMEONE had to maintain a certain propriety in the neighborhood...

He lowered his arms when Zelda turned him a sidelong glance, standing curiously close, and he started a questioning sign. She was smiling, ambiguously, and unexpected prickles ran up his nape.

" Eh -- eeh? " He tried again with a terribly underused voice, and she snapped him up in a very direct nudge of lips to lips, her sandal-clad toes pushing into the soil to lift herself. " Mwf! " His hands darted to the sides to hover in befuddlement, and he had several precious moments to see her lashes up-close-and-personal under wisps of golden hair. She meant the kiss, without loosing heart when his own tried to climb up his throat -

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