- CHAPTER 1: Mischief -

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I entered the school yard, bored as ever. It was just another plain day that followed a never ending cycle.
Go home.
Or go to Chokey. It depends on your situation, I guess.

The sky was grey that day. Flowers had been withering for a while. But you would've expected it. Crunchem Hall was a dark, gloomy and strict place. You never would've wanted to go there. I sat down in my usual spot behind the dusted statue of Trunchbull until looking ahead. Two young unfamiliar faces.
It was a tradition for me to do whenever there was new kids. Warn them and scare them.
"Oi, new kids!"
They looked back at me in confusion so I got up and started walking.
"So you think you're Able to survive this mess by being a prince or a princess? You will soon cee, theres no escaping tragedy. And even, if you put in heaps of effort, you're just wasting ener-G 'cause your life as you know it is h-cient history."
I stopped when some students joined in to warn and scare them. They were doing a pretty good job because those two looked horrified. They were eventually let in by the prefects and once most of them took them into the school one stayed behind to let me into the school.
"Hortensia, can you actually try go to class on time today?" The ginger male prefect asked me.
"No." I shrugged and walked into the school, knowing I'd just have a wander around the halls until getting caught.

I wandered around aimlessly, sometimes seeing the prefects and the two girls in hallways. Suddenly the intercom screeched.

"I have become aware that some of you are not yet in class, correct this. You have five seconds to comply."

I shrugged, unbothered and continued walking. I was strolling past another hallway where the two kids were let in by the school's nicest teacher. "Just you wait for phys-ed." I called and continued walking until finding my classroom and going in.
"Sorry that I'm late miss." I shrugged.
"Sit down immediately, child. You're lucky that the Trunchbull isn't here yet. She's coming here for a visit. Have you forgotten?"
I shrugged and went to my seat unbothered.
"Take out your books and go to page 57. Act like you're working because as I have said to Hortensia, the school's local troublemaker," My teacher started and I smirked. "Ms Trunchbull is coming to our class today. Now chop chop, I want you to do page 57, 58 and 59's questions. I don't expect you to do it all but attempt it. I wouldn't give you all this much questions if it weren't for the visit. Also, Hortensia, take that hat off. And put on your blazer."
I groaned and took my hat off and put on my blazer. I couldn't really take being in Chokey for the seventh time. And yes, I've been in there six times. Once, as you know, with the syrup, the second time I put itching powder in the drawer where Miss Trunchbull keeps her gym shorts and trust me, it was brilliant! The other four times were lates and the dress codes.

I pretended to write until the door swung open. Guess who it was. The Trunchbull, of course.
She stomped in, practically shaking the room, and scanned around. "Good morning Ms Haven." She greeted my teacher. "I'll take it from here."
Ms Haven nodded and left the room with no regrets. "Now, maggots. From multiple teachers I have heard of some maggots in this particular class disobeying. You all know what happens when I hear of disobeying. Say it."
"Phys Ed." The kids called out formally and I kept quiet.
Suddenly her cold eyes darted to me. "It appears I haven't heard everyone say it. You, stand up and say it." She pointed at me.
I stood up and called out loudly. "Phys Ed."
She made me continue standing up and walked over to me.
"I know you. What's you're name again?"
"Hortensia. Hortensia Buckets." I told her.
"Ahh. Yes. The troublemaker." She stared at me and I glared at her. "Right. All of you change now and get ready for phys ed." she turned around to the class until turning to me. "And you. I have no doubts that you misbehaved. But according to some you haven't done much. So instead of phys ed, well, actually, you'll still do it. But for the rest of the day you'll stick with me. Is that clear, Buckets?" She leaned in closer and I quickly nodded.
"Alright. Now get out." She pushed me hard out the door and she came behind me to whisper.
"I'm watching you, maggot."
I just sprinted over to my classmates and hid in their crowd.

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