- CHAPTER 7: Rebellion -

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I know what you're thinking.
'What? A ten year old couldn't possibly do that.'
Well guess what? I did!

I sat there on the edge of my bed, thinking. How would I even destroy it?
Now that chokeys gone, she might use that as another Chokey. It has to be gone either way.
I grabbed a pencil and paper and marked out a rough map of the school, putting an 'X' in the room. I flipped the page and drew the room from memory. Spikes, shards of glass.. It made me think hard. I couldn't remove the spikes and glass because then she'd just add them back.
Suddenly, I had an idea. What is she terrified of most..? We've all seen it.
I quickly had a flashback to when Lavender decided to give me one that came with hers. I got up and quickly ran to my closet, shuffling through it. I grabbed the jar and looked at the little lizard. "It's your time to shine, big guy." I muttered and put it in my book bag before shuffling around in my closet before grabbing a bag of bread I stuffed in there yesterday and stuffing it in my bag too.

I climbed out my window and sprinted down the street and down the forest, collecting bugs along the way. I finally got to the school and sprinted to the back where the obstacle course was. I ran up to the back door and grabbed a hair clip to twist the lock. It finally opened and I took a little step back until almost tripping over something.
I looked down to see a tiny device that had a button with the engraved letters:

I touched the button and looked inside at a camera to see a bright red light on the side. They were off?
Wow.. Miss Trunchbull really wasn't smart. Especially for a headmistress.
I guess the only thing she was good at academically was phys ed.

I sneaked through the halls and wandered towards the room, kicking open the door. I turned on my flashlight and kicked all the shards on the floor to a side before letting out all the insects, including the lizard.
I felt a weird feeling letting the lizard go, but I'd get it back surely. I'd make sure of it. After letting the insects go I closed the door, locking it before sprinting out of the room until hearing distant chatting. I tip toed towards the noises and listened in particularly closely.

"..What do you mean no? You dare say no to ME? Do you even know who I am!? I am THE one and only Agatha Trunchbull. The Olympics winner for hammerthrowing? Headmistress of Crunchem Hall... WHAT? You can't!? How DARE you! I have requested this many times but you never accept it! I don't care if the child is too young. That girl needs to be taught discipline... Oh, you want her name? Fine. Hortensia Buckets."

My eyes widened but I continued to listen.

"Her age? Ten years old... What!? Nonono. I can assure you that that child is not just being a little child. She's a— naughty little girl! Listen, I don't care if she is too young or just being a child. Get her discipline lessons NOW!" She screamed and hung up.

I shook my head and sprinted out of there, closing the back door and locking it before legging it away.
I continued running home. What was she trying to put me in!?
Discipline lessons?
That was it. She had to go.
And I would make sure of it.

While I was sprinting I tripped and fell over a copy of the local newspaper. I looked at the newspaper and read it.


I looked at it in horror but continued reading.

'Some parents of pupils in the school have reported that multiple children come home with stories of a box with spikes called 'Chokey' and some children being flung by their hair over a gate. They have also seen some children coming home late from the school.
Local parents have came together to discuss these allegations and have added it all up.
Headmistress, Agatha Trunchbull, has been started to be questioned by parents.'

I smirked playfully. Finally. Something she deserves. Hopefully the school would be shut down and she would be locked up.. but what about all my friends? The kids I knew?
Matilda and Lavender,
If the school shut down, I probably would never see any of them again.
No more walking around the halls. No more messing with Trunchbull. No more fun.

I shook my head. It couldn't be shut down. Maybe Ms Honey would run the school. Or Ms Williams.. I had no clue. I just knew that I wanted my friends and I to stay together.
I kicked away the newspaper and started running again to my house. I finally got home and climbed into my window, exhausted.

Hopefully those insects would teach the Trunchbull a lesson.

It had to..
Wouldn't it?

I closed my eyes and laid back in my bed in my pyjamas, throwing my signature red beret to the floor. I glanced up at the ceiling and hummed to myself.

"When I grow up..
I will be tall enough to reach the branches,
that you need to reach to climb the trees
you get to climb when your grown up.."

"And when I grow up,
I will be smart enough to answer all
the questions that you need to know
the answers to before you're grown up."

"And when I grow up,
I will eat sweets everyday
On the way to work and I
Will go to bed late every night."

"And I will wake up
when the sun comes up and I,
will watch cartoons until my eyes go square,
and I won't care 'cause I'll be all grown up!"

"When I grow up.."

I silently muttered to myself. It sounded like the song I was singing a few days ago. But to be honest it really did make me wonder what would happen when I grew up.

Would I be a famous actress or a firefighter? A doctor?
Would I even pass college?
I don't want to grow up..
I don't..-

Suddenly I drifted off to sleep in a deep dream, but only if I knew that the day after would be history. A day to remember.

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