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The wind rippled through the yellow corn field and made the corn stalks sway in the strong breeze. A few of the stalks parted aside to reveal a lithe, skinny tabby pacing calmy through the field. The  cat kept walking towards a couple of beech trees on the other side of the field. The cat could just make out a strong slender shape waiting beneath one of the beech trees almost completely hidden in a frond of bracken.

"Greetings, Stonestar", mewed the strong cat, "What brings you on the ShadowClan side of the border?"

Stonestar, the lithe, skinny tabby, had been on his way to speak to the ShadowClan leader in secret about a prophecy. The prophecy had been a very old one having been passed down from the original four leaders all the way down to the generation of Stonestar's leadership of ThunderClan. The prophecy was one that seemed to be in shadow and none of the leaders seemed to be able to figure it out.

Stonestar was starting to piece together parts of the prophecy but none of the other leaders seemed to be contributing any thought to it.

"Greetings, Leafstar, I have come to talk to you about the prophecy", said the one mewed Stonestar bodly.

All of the cats from the three other Clans knew that ShadowClan was often thought of as mean and dark and some of the nursery stories for the kits in other Clans were that there was always a cold wind that blew through the bodies of ShadowClan cats and chilled their spirits and hearts.

"What about it? It has been a long time since we first heard of it, you can't possibly have found a clue of what it might mean. Have you?" meowed Leafstar.

Stonestar's whiskers twitched.

"Do you even remember what the prophecy is?" Stonestar asked

"No! It has been many moons since StarClan last spoke to me", screeched Leafstar.

"Alright! I will recite it again and speak to you about what I think it may mean."

"Fine!" mewed Leafstar, embarassed that ThunderClan had to remind him what it was.

"Four will come together, Two from darkness, Two from sky, One will never return from the journey, but,  together they will bring our clans to peace and will show us the light of a New Dawn."

"So?" asked the dark leader impatiently.

"I think that it may mean that two cats from my Clan and two cats from your Clan will meet together and I think I may have figured out who the cats from my Clan are!" replied Stonestar

"Really?" mewed the Shadowclan leader sarcastically, What do you think the new dawn means?"

"I still haven't figured that out yet." snapped Stonestar, "If you or any of the other leaders from RiverClan or WindClan were going to spend any time figuring out what means then we probably already would know!"

Leafstar grew quiet for fear of upsetting the ThunderClan leader again. Every single cat in all of the four Clans respected Stonestar and sometimes the cats thought he was very much like the great Firestar himself.

Leafstar spoke, "I will probably soon find out who the two in my are Clan and when we do, we will let StarClan light their path from then on."


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