Chapter Five

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The small lake seemed to stretch out forever in front of Cedarpaw and as Cedarpaw turned over to look at her sister, Squirrelpaw's jaw dropped almost all the way to the ground. Cedarpaw looked back at the pool and she to could barely stifle a gasp of awe. The pool shimmered with the lights of thousands upon thousands of stars.

Stonestar had already settled himself down near the edge of the pool of light and the two apprentyices copied his pose and as all of the three cats bent down to touch their noses to the surface of the pool, Cedarpaw plunged into darkness.

Cedarpaw felt as if she would never stop falling in the darkness until she hit solid ground and looked around.

I must be in StarClan's hunting grounds, Cedarpaw thought. Then almost out of nowhere a slender she-cat stepped out of the shadow of a beech tree and greeted Cedarpaw. Cedarpaw did not recognize the she-cat but obviously the she-cat recognized Cedarpaw because as the strange, new cat beckoned Cedarpaw forward the cat said, "Welcome to StarClan, we have much to tell you. I am Swiftspot, follow me."

Cedarpaw followed Swiftspot through the unfamiliar forest until they came to a grove crowded with the shimmering bodies of all her warrior ancestors. "Welcome!" cried a group of cats near her.

Why are all of the cats here treating me like royalty? Cedarpaw thought. I'm not THAT special. Am I?

"Tonight, we welcome some cats from Thunderclan!" a voice beside her bellowed.

Wait! Did he say SOME cats? Cedarpaw thought

Cedarpaw's mother had told her that it was very rare for cats who were ALIVE to walk in each other's dreams. Who were the other cats? What could be waiting for here just around the corner?

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