Chapter Two

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Stonestar was returning from his talk with the ShadowClan leader when he scented a cat nearby.

Stonestar hid behind a large bramble bush and as soon as he had sat down to wait for the cat to go away, he hard leaves being tossed around and before he knew it Squirrelpaw and Cedarpaw had run straight into him and although he was surprised he spoke up and said.

                                           *               *               *

"Hello there little ones" said the big gray cat. The cat sounded surprised.

Squirrelpaw froze and Cedarpaw stiffened beside her, but then they realized that the big cat was their leader, Stonestar

 "Where were you going?" asked Stonestar, trying to sound more confident.

"Oh...", Squirrelpaw didn't want to sound as if she had been playing with her sister like she was still a kit, so she replied calmly, "We were just trying to get back to camp so we could make it on the dusk patrol."

"Well, that was very responsible of you but you know you shoiuldn't be bounding through the woods making such a racket, you'll scare all of the prey away! But since I wanted to catch from prey to on the dusk patrol, I'll take you guys back."

Squirrelpaw almost shouted out, No, I still want to play with my sister! but she knew that would sound childish, but, then again she felt bad for not having enough time to finish playing the game of tag with her sister

Her game and her squirrel long forgotten Cedarpaw said, "Sure!", enthusiasticly as she and her sister followed Stonestar back along the familiar path that led to the ThunderClan camp.

Squirrelpaw was surprised that Cedarpaw had spoken, because her sister was usually very quiet and timid and she hardly ever spoke in front of anyone besides herself, let alone not the clan leader.

As Squirrelpaw followed Stonestar through the tunnel of bracken, she realized that there was not the usual hustle and bustle of her camp. Everyone was talking in small groups casting quick, scared glances around the clearing as if any moment, a hawk was going to come and take them away. All of the cats knew what it was like to have a hawk hunting for them because a couple of moons ago, the woods had been very empty of prey, so the hawks had come to the forest in search of more prey. The hawks somehow found the Clan's camp and they took kits, apprentices and warriors away from their home and their lives.

Cedarpaw and Stonestar seemed to notice too, because their ears pricked and she could feel them stiffen beside her.

Something big must have happened while the three cats were out.

Thunderheart, the clan deputy, came running towards the two apprentices and the leader and ushered Stonestar away to talk to the Clan Leader in private.

Cedarpaw rolled her eyes, "Why can't we ever hear what happened, we are the Clan Leader's kin!"

"I know right, it's really unfair!" replied Squirrelpaw as she lashed her tail with impatience.

"Don't worry, Squirrelpaw, once we're warriors we'll know about everything important that goes on around here because we will control what's going on!"

What's up with Cedarpaw, Squirrelpaw wondered, something must be up, I hope I can find out what it is before it gets worse, thought Squirrelpaw gravely.

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