Against My Will - Chapter 2

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"but Philip, you know i'm not good know"

he stayed silent

"boys" i said looking away from him

"sometimes i wish you inherited that gene from your mother, in the good way of course" he sighed

i knew what he meant, i was a social life loser. Other than Spencer and Sandra i have no friends so how was i supposed to land some magical handsome guy over? no way in hell that this was gonna happen.

i know myself, i'm goofy yet serious but this side comes out with the 3 people in my life other than that i turn to the silent treatment mood.

my mother was an expert on landing guys by just looking at them, Philip was trying to tell me "politely" that i should a more social person especially with the male population but i wasn't that brave to take a move like that! but certainly i'm aware enough to take on his hints.

"hello earth to Jasmine" he blurted

"oh i'm sorry, i was just thinking...and don't call me that" " i stuttered

"look darling, i don't want to pressure you" he said putting his hand on my shoulder, a relaxing gesture which always calmed me

"it's just that i'm not that---"



"listen baby girl, lately i've been having weird feeling and suspensions that the end is near"

"what? who's end?"

"my end"

"oh Philip don't ever say that again" i hugged him quickly to make him know that i'm here for him, always.

"honey i'm not gonna live forever and i just want to make sure that you'll be okay when i'm gone"

"please don't say this!"

"it's the cycle of life dear, i just want you in a safe place"

"and what, where's this place might be?"

"with a husband and family"

"a husband and a family?! you've got to be kidding!"

"why not? i think you're terrific"

"yeah right" i rolled my eyes "who's gonna accept to live his life with me?! no one."

"we'll see about that"

"you want me to get married? ... NOW?!"



"no buts, i'll find you a man. you have my word."


Philip's P.O.V

she ignored my words and walked away, leaving to think of someone who will take of her...

my mind started pacing back and forth trying to find somebody...

somebody who's serious, fun, attractive and good at heart who's willing to take of her?

my head was wrapped around the wrong concept, i lied, i pressured her and i'm doing it more now.

i thought of many people i knew who were good for her but none of them will treat her fairly until...

Until it hit me....Nicholas.

how could i not think of him?! he's my grandson and he's obedient, charming and a good man. he's perfect.

i just gotta find a way to make them like each other? no no i must do it now!

the doctors said i don't have quite a lot of time and i want her to be safe before i'm gone.

i have to rush this. now.

-6 weeks later-

my grandsons have been in the studio working on a new album which i know it'll be great.

every 1 and a half month we have a family meeting, this reunion was at Kevin's house, god i missed Dani's food.

it was also my only opportunity to open up about Jasmine to Nick.

Jasmine was still shy about the family so she decided to spend the weekend with Spencer and Sandra, i arrived

to the house destination and was gladly welcomed by my loving blessing family

"hey grandpa" greeted Frankie who was lastly to hug me

"hey buddy"

"hey dad, come on let's eat"

we sat down, ate and talked for a bit till everyone moved from the table expect me and Nicholas, i decided it'd be the perfect chance.

"so Nicholas, how's life?"

"it's been good grandpa" he smiled down to the plate's direction "you?" he looked back facing me

"i'm good thank god, i wanted to talk to you about something"

"sure grandpa"

he moved from his chair and sat in the one in front of me so that he could face me

"i wanted to ask you something which is i know you won't accept but please i want this to happen before i'm gone"

"please don't talk like this grandpa, you know that i love you, we love you! and i'd do anything you want from me"

"there's this girl i know which i see perfect for you"

"perfect in what definition?" he asked confused

"perfect as in smart, beautiful, polite..."

"and? please grandpa get to the point!"

"look Nicholas please consider it as my death will or the last request i'll ask from you"

"yes grandpa"

"i want to see your grand kids and--"

"grandpa where are you going with this? girl, grand kids?"

"i want you to get married."



"grandpa i'm still 20!"

"and she's 18"


"just give her a chance"

"chance? chance for what? when i get married i must get married to someone i love! not just someone whom i never met nor know anything about!"


"grandpa you can ask anything and i'll do it but not this request i'm sorry"

"Nicholas, i'll not live long enough and i think we both know that so please make this wish come true for me...make me feel happy before i get laid in a box and never see the light again just let me die and know that i'll not leave an innocent girl on her own after her mother's death"


so that was chapter 2, i know it's short but i've been busy lately and couldn't write more.

hope you like it :)

please FEEDBACK, it's apprecicated :)


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