2.02 - greene

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briars motionless frame bounced against shane as he ran closer and closer to the farm

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briars motionless frame bounced against shane as he ran closer and closer to the farm. she continued to slip out of consciousness, only to slip back in a few moments later. she opened her eyes, muttering slightly. "g-get daryl, he'll give me blood," she murmured, shane needing to listen hard to understand her. he nodded, briars eyes rolling back into her head as he came up to the house, shouting at an old man. "she's been shot, by your damn man! help her, please." hershel nodded, leading him to a room and placing her down on a plush bed. maggie greene stood, mouth agape, at the sight of her childhood best friend. her face was covered in dirt, and there was a large bullet wound lodged into her chest, but she knew it was briar. her briar. she snapped into action, stepping into the room with a large bundle of towels she had taken from the bathroom, placing the down in front of her dad.

rick, carl, and the man who introduced himself as otis, made their way to the farm a few minutes after shane, their breaths ragged and heavy. shane stepped out, his black t-shirt and his hands covered in her blood. carls tear stained eyes remained on those hands. it should've been me. it should've been me. these thoughts circled around his youthful brain as he gave his father a hug, small tears dampening his shirt. "how-how is she?" rick has asked, concerned for the young woman.

"not good, there's a bullet in her chest, nearly in her lung." rick widened his eyes, before they both walked inside, otis devastated at the news. "i didn't mean to hit her, i tried to hit the deer." patricia rubbed otis' back, comforting him. hershel, maggie, and patricia walked into the room that briar laid, her eyes fluttering open. her face was contorted in pain and confusion as she looked at maggie.

"m-maggie? dude, am i dead?" she muttered, maggie's face beaming with joy before sitting down next to her bed and stroking her sweaty forehead, "no, briar. you're at the farm, you've been shot." briars eyes widened, as hershel explained that he would need to extract the bullet after shane and otis returned from their run to the local high school which had medical supplies that would help briar during surgery.

her awakened state didn't last for long, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, her body stiffening before shaking violently, the bed creaking with every twitch her seizure made her do. rick ran in, looking at briar worriedly as he attempted to hold her down, hershel reprimanding the man and insisting that this needed to pass. after a few moments of her seizure, her body slowed down, but her unconscious body remained still.

 after a few moments of her seizure, her body slowed down, but her unconscious body remained still

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time seemed to disappear for briar. her eyes opened, though they quickly shut due to the harsh white light that she was met with. she squinted, letting herself become accustomed to the light, before looking down. she was in a field of grass, small purple flowers sprinkled along the ground. it was silent, which she hadn't heard in a long time, the only noise being the small tweets of birds from the trees. briar looked around, trying to find where she was and why she was there.

"hey, briar." her heart seemed to stop as she heard the voice that she had been desperate to hear one more time. she turned her head, and was met with her younger brother, ajax. she furrowed her eyebrows, believing that her mind was playing tricks on her. but he wasn't really there - he died, didn't he?

she took a step forward, reaching out her hand to touch his shoulder, but was met with thin air. "yeah, no. i'm not real, you can't really touch me." briar smiled, her tearful eyes threatening to spill over and onto her freckles cheeks. he looked like how he did before he died; his clothes were clean, there was no wound on his chest, and his skin wasn't pale; he was tanned and looked alive.

"b-but how?" briars mind raced with possibilities of how she was seeing her ajax.

"welcome to the afterlife."


gray speaks!

this chapter is so shit and i haven't uploaded in like a month but bare with me :) this isn't the end of briar! thank you for reading i love you all to the moon and back.

word count: 749

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