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Minho's POV:

Minho is sitting in his last class, legs shaking, as he's taking a psychology test. He had forgotten about it yesterday and didn't study. He was so nervous he thought he would throw up. He always did this, and he would always beat himself up for it.

You see, unlike Jisung, Minho is a sucker for academic validation. Jisung never had to try to get good grades, hell, he even got #1 in the school almost every year. But Minho was the complete opposite. It's not like anyone was looking for him to be #1, his parents are already satisfied with how well he does in school already. But It's not enough for Minho.

He tends to stay up most nights, resulting in insomnia. He's always at his desk studying, even if he doesn't have a test coming up. His parents are almost always worried about him, but there was nothing they could really do.

Right before the bell rang, Minho finished his test last second and handed it in. He grabbed his bag and scurried out of the classroom and to his locker. Fuck I think I failed that. Minho opened his locker holding back a tear while breathing unsteadily. Suddenly his locker was slammed shut, thankfully not hitting him.

"He- woah what's up with you?" Jisung had a confused look plastered all over his face. Jisung had never seen Minho so upset, the only emotions he had seen from Minho were irritation or smugness. Shit. I don't know how to comfort people, especially Minho.

"I-I'm fine," he muttered as he took his sleeve to his eyes, drying his tears. "You sure bro? I swear I just saw you crying," Jisung laughed at him nervously with faux confidence, "I was just wondering if you were still coming over,"

Minho turned towards his locker, opening it once again with a dark look on his face, "Yeah I'll be there." He closed his locker and left, leaving Jisung confused. Why did he look so sad? Maybe I shouldn't have laughed at him.


"Hey mom I'm leaving!" Minho yelled to his mom as he kicked his shoes on.

"Where are you going honey?" she yelled back.

"Jisung's house!"

"Who's Jisung?!"

"An asshole! Bye mom!"

Minho opened the door, not letting his mom answer, "Wait wha-"

Luckily, but not so luckily, Jisung's house was fairly close to Minho's, so he decided to walk there, as it was a pretty nice day outside. Minho felt the breeze against him and felt so at ease. Until he found himself in front of Jisung's house. Here we go, I guess.

Minho knocked a few times, looking around the porch, feeling a little awkward. The door flung open after a few seconds; an unfamiliar figure came into vision. Minho assumed it was Jisung's mother, although she was quite tall, unlike Jisung, (haha 5'7 ass) "Hello! Who are you?" She had a sweet voice; it was almost hypnotizing.

"Uh- I'm Jisung's frien- I'm here to work on a project with Jisung." Minho stumbled over his words, since him and Jisung weren't exactly friends, and he didn't know how to explain that to Jisung's mother.

"Oh, come in! Hes just upstairs! How long have you known Jisung?" she seemed very enthusiastic, like people didn't come over often. Minho wondered why, since Jisung had many friends.

"Um, since elementary school, ma'am," it wasn't a lie, Minho had known him since elementary school, but were they ever friends? Nope.

"Well, I hope you have fun on that project! Jisung's rooms is just upstairs and to the left!"

She led him to the stairs, "Thank you, ma'am."

Jisung's room was not hard to find, as it literally had a sign "Jisung's Room" on it. pfft loser, who the fuck puts a sign with their name on it on their door. Minho lightly knocked on the door, he heard scurrying as a voice begins, "Yo what- " Jisung opens the door looking a little shocked, "Oh hi,"

"Oh hi," Minho replies as he opens the door a little more, he looks into Jisung's room, which was a little messy, "Weren't expecting me, I guess? Although I thought we had planned this," Minho smirked.

"Aha, sorry I guess I forgot, can you stay there for just a second? I need to tidy my room a bit,"

"Yeah sure," Jisung closed his door to that, and Minho was awkwardly left in front of his door, fiddling with his fingers until the door opened once again.

"Sorry about that, you can come in," Jisung leads Minho into his room. Minho scans the room; the walls are filled with records and other posters of K-pop. His desk was placed to the right and he had a pile of papers on it that were obviously thrown together to look neat. His bed was pushed into the left corner with a nightstand next to it. Jisung brought out his computer and sat down on the floor up against his bed, patting the spot next to him.

Minho sat down next to Jisung, taking his computer out and placing it on his lap while Jisung speaks, "Ok so remember I'm doing articles 1, 3, 5, and 7, ok?"

"Why do you get to do four and I do three?" Minho questions him, a little annoyed.

"We already went over this, it's fine, whatever, I'm willing to do more work, why can't you just accept that?"

"Whatever," Minho scoffed, agitated.

The silence had started and much to their dismay it was very, very, uncomfortable. Though both working on their project, they both continuously stole second glances at one another. Most would say they had something going on between them, but to Minho and Jisung, they were just looks of hate. Or so they thought.

The silence was broken by Minho's sudden clicking of his pen, which clearly caught Jisung's attention, as he was looking over at Minho with a disgusted look, "Could you stop that?"

"It helps me focus," Minho smiles.

"It does the opposite for me,"

"I guess that's too bad,"

"Could you please just stop? Seriously?" Jisung actually looked serious, but Minho didn't listen, as he continued to click his pen.

Jisung snatched the pen from Minho, looking angry, "What's got you so angry little squirrel?"

"Don't call me that." Jisung enunciates.

"But you look just like a squirrel!"

"I told you not to call me that."

"Jeez, who got your panties up in a bunch?"

"You did," Jisung states before he could think, his checks redden a little bit, because that statement did not sound right in a different context.

"What?" Minho replies laughing at Jisung's reddened face.

"Whatever, can you just get back to work?"

"Sure, little squirrel," Minho smirks at him and Jisung rolls his eyes.

Time seemed to fly as they both sat in silence for the rest of the time. "Ok I'm done," Minho states, shutting his computer and standing up, "Uh, I'm going to go then, thanks I guess,"

"Bye little cat," Jisung whispered, slowly looking up at Minho.

"What did you say?"

Jisung speaks up this time, "I said bye little cat,"

"Don't ever call me that."

"Don't call me little squirrel then."

"I'll call you whatever I want to call you."

"Then I will as well." Minho scoffs and walks towards the door, his voice fades as he says bye halfway down the stairs. Minho wonders the whole way home why he didn't seem to hate the way Jisung had called him little cat. Little did he know that Jisung was also wondering why he had the same feeling towards his new nickname as well.

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