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Minho's POV:

Light sought into the room, waking Minho up. Minho looked around, wondering why his room looked so weird. Until he realized- this wasn't his room. Minho had a pounding headache, he went to put his hand up to his forehead, but it was caught by something else.

Minho turned his head around to find Jisung lying next to him. Suddenly the memories of last night flooded his brain. What the fuck... Minho stared at Jisung for a few seconds, not knowing what to do.

He felt his whole-body flush as memories were still coming back to him. Luckily, when Minho was drunk, he usually kept around 50% of his memory from the night before. Minho decided that he should leave before Jisung woke up.

Minho believed that Jisung would start screaming at him if he woke up next to him, so he believed this was the best option. Minho snaked out of Jisung's grip, trying not to wake him up. He looked around for his clothes, finding them thrown about in the corner of the room.

Minho put his clothes on when Jisung starts groaning, reaching for a pillow to fill the spot Minho was in a moment before. Minho froze, hoping Jisung wouldn't wake up. Minho quickly ran out of the room, trying to find the front door.

He felt a little bad leaving Jisung in a random house, but he didn't want to be woken up with Jisung's wrath upon him for the events that occurred the night before.


Jisung's POV:

Jisung woke up with the worst headache of his life. His eyes slowly opened in pain, and he looked around the room. Where the fuck am I? Jisung sat up more, rubbing his eyes, he immediately got out of bed to look at himself in the mirror. Jisung gaped at his neck, filled with multiple hickeys along it.

Jisung was trying to remember what happened last night. I was in the kitchen drinking, and then I walked into another room, where Minho was! And then we walked up the stairs... and into the bedroom- You got to be shitting me

Jisung ran to put his clothes on, almost tripping on his jeans. Jisung ran out of the house. He was panting a little, he felt so betrayed by Minho he was enraged. Jisung put his hand over his heart, trying to calm himself down, he could feel a panic attack coming on. 1...2...3...4... Jisung's breathing had started to slow down, returning to normal.

Jisung walked home, and when he finally arrived, he ran into his room and started crying immediately as his door closed. He slid his back down against the door until he was sitting on the floor with his head between his knees. He was crying so hard he could barely breathe. Why would Minho leave me?


Jisung spent the whole day in his room, crying his eyes out until they were puffy. He didn't go to school for a few days, which worried his teachers. When he finally got the courage to go to school, he knew he was going to confront Minho immediately.

Jisung ran into the school, making sure he made it before Minho left his locker, "MINHO!" Jisung sounded angry as ever, and before the argument even started, Jisung's face was red.

Minho's eyes widened as much as possible, stunned, he spoke, "Jisung! I- are you- are you okay? You haven't been to school in a few days and I was just so worried I-" Minho was rambling when Jisung cut him off.

"Am I okay? Really? Am I okay? I don't know, do you think I'm okay after you left me completely vulnerable in a random house!" Jisung was screaming, and the people around them were staring. A tear shed from Jisung eyes, falling down his cheek as Jisung's hands rolled into fists.

"Jisung, please, don't do this here I'm sorry," Minho pleaded.

"You should've thought about that earlier when you left me!" Suddenly Minho took his hands, speed walking down the hallway and out of the school. They stopped at the gate as the bell rang.

"I need to go to class," Jisung said sternly, glaring at Minho. Minho took his hands, "Wait, please, stay,"

"Why should I stay?" Jisung was crying even more than before, "You left me Minho, I don't understand I- I thought you liked me,"

"What? I left because I didn't want you screaming at me in the morning."

"What? Why would I be screaming at you?"

"Because you hate me? I'm pretty sure if I hated someone, I wouldn't want them to be next to me in the morning after I had gotten drunk,"

"You are dense."


"You are the densest person I've ever met! I can't even remember a thing that happened that night!"

"You don't... remember a thing?" Minho was now also crying a little.

"No. I woke up in a random room with hickeys all over my neck! That was the only thing that triggered a few of my memories to come back! Do you know how that feels?"

Minho was stunned, he didn't expect Jisung to not remember anything, he felt a little offended knowing that the person who took his virginity didn't remember any of it, but he wasn't going to say anything, "Jisung, I'm sorry, I really am, I thought you would get angry at me, just like you are now,"

Minho started to walk towards Jisung, trying to pull him in a hug, but Jisung swatted Minho's hand away, crying even harder, "N-no no I can't even begin to forgive you, how could you do that to me?"

Minho inhaled, running his fingers through his hair, exhaling,"Jisung, I love you."

Jisung looked up at Minho, appalled, "You can't just say things like that and first think that I'm going to believe you and second think I'm going to immediately forgive you,"

Minho took Jisung's hands "Jisung, believe me, please, I know the feeling isn't reciprocated, but I love you, I always have, even if I didn't realize, I've always loved you. I love the way you laugh so hard at your friends jokes, I love the way you tap your pen against your cheek when thinking about a question, I love the way you get excited every time you answer a question right, even though you are the smartest person I know. You could easily get into any university you wanted. I love you Han Jisung,"

Jisung's gaze softened, "You love me?"

"Jisung! I just said I love you 5 times! Yes, I love you!"

Jisung pulled Minho into a hug, crying into Minho's shoulder, "You're so dense,"

Minho pulled Jisung back, making eye contact with Jisung, "What?"

"You said the feeling isn't reciprocated, but it is," Minho still looked confused, so Jisung spoke again, "I love you too,"

Minho's face light up, "Really? You do?!" Minho looked like a child, playing with a toy.

Jisung took his hand up to Minho's cheek, caressing it, "Yes," Jisung was laughing at how cat-liked Minho looked right now, "Can I kiss you? Please?"

"Please do, little squirrel," Jisung made a face to that pet name, "Minhooo, you're making me not want to kiss you,"

"NO, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, please kiss me." Jisung smiled cutely, moving his hand to the back of Minho's head and leaning forward. Minho's hands cupped Jisung's face as they kissed.

Jisung broke the kiss as he spoke, "Minho, you might be number two in the school, but your number one in my life,"

Minho smiled, "Thats a million times better," Minho used his hand that was on Jisung's face to lean Jisung into another kiss.

the end.
yall i apologize for not adding more closure dont kill me 🫶🏻

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