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Felix's POV:

Felix's eyes flutter open, his whole back was a little sweaty, and he felt a warmth against it. What the fuck why is my back so swea- Felix looks over to see Hwang fucking Hyunjin in his bed. Right next to him. Arms around Felix's waist.

Hyunjin looked so peaceful, all of his features were softened, and he was breathing steadily. Meanwhile, Felix was having a complete dilemma. He couldn't remember shit from yesterday and didn't want to hurt Hyunjin's feelings if they had done anything.

Hyunjin's eyes started to flutter open, shocking Felix, who had quickly pretended to be asleep. Hyunjin suddenly spoke, making Felix flinch, "Felix, I know you are awake, I felt you staring at me,"

Felix pretended like he woke up to the sound, sitting up against the headboard, "U-uh..." Felix had no idea what to say, he didn't know what they had done the night before, "Did we... uhm... do anything?"

Hyunjin laughed lightly, "No, I promise you," Felix let out a sigh of relief, "You did say some things though." Felix turned to Hyunjin, waiting for more to come out of his mouth.

"What did I say...?"

Hyunjin's face was still partially in the pillow, not looking up at Felix, "Oh, nothing large, other than the occasional 'pretty boy' and you practically begging me to cuddle with you,"

Felix turned away, his whole face flushed red, "I-I, I'm so sorry,"

Hyunjin looked up at Felix, "Did you mean it?"

Felix looked back down at Hyunjin, eyebrow raised, he was staring at Hyunjin's sharp features before speaking, "Did I mean what?"

Hyunjin sat up next to Felix against the headboard, "When you called me pretty," Felix's whole body froze, not knowing how to answer.

"I- well I mean I- you're definitely- well I-" Felix is cut off when Hyunjin takes his hands, stopping Felix from his panicked state.

"Felix, it's okay, you don't have to answer, I know we haven't talked in a while,"

"I'm sorry- I'm just so shocked, we haven't talked since the beginning of the school year, and now you're in my bed, I couldn't help but think-" Felix stopped, not wanting the next words to come out of his mouth.

Hyunjin had a slight smirk, "Think what?"

"You know what I thought," Felix pouted. Hyunjin took his hands out of Felix's and looked at the time. 10:15am. Holy shit they were late for school.

Hyunjin turned his head back to Felix, "We are late for school,"

"WHAT," Felix screamed.

Hyunjin put his hands over Felix's mouth, "Woah, woah, Felix chill out, did you really expect to get drunk and then go to school with a hangover?"

Hyunjin took his hands off of Felix, letting him speak, "I didn't mean to get drunk." Felix said sternly, "I went with my friend Jisung, do you know him?"

Hyunjin scratched his head, thinking, "Han Jisung? In our grade?"

"Yeah, him!"

Hyunjin's hands went back down to his side, "Yeah, I have talked to him before, why?"

"Well, Jisung begged me to come, I'm not a party person whatsoever and I refuse to drink, but we ended up drinking because-" Felix didn't know how to finish that sentence, because the real reason he was drinking was because he had seen a girl on Hyunjin's arm, "Hyunjin, who was that girl?"

Hyunjin turned his head toward Felix, looking right at him, "What girl?"

Felix broke eye contact with Hyunjin, turning his head the other way in embarrassment, "The one- on your arm, yesterday, at the party,"

"Huh?" Hyunjin tried to recall the night before, even though he didn't get drunk, he still had a few drinks, causing his memory to fade, "Oh her," Hyunjin took a breath, "What about her?"

Felix looked back at Hyunjin, "Are you... dating her?"

Hyunjin started laughing hysterically, "Oh hell nah, I'm gay as shit, and she's annoying as fuck," Felix practically sighed in relief, "Why?"

"Well uhm- I-"

Hyunjin cut him off, "Do you not want her to be my girlfriend?" Hyunjin looked confused, "Is that why you started drinking? Because you saw her with me?"

Felix froze, "What, no, I-" Felix was cut off by hands suddenly on his face. Hyunjin pulled Felix closer to him, breathing on his face, he whispered, "Can I kiss you?" At this point Hyunjin was staring at Felix' eyes, waiting for an answer.

Felix breathes out deeply, "Yes," Hyunjin immediately closed the gap between them. Felix's stomach was doing flips as Hyunjin's thumbs started to trace his jawline. Felix put his hand up to Hyunjin's, which was still on his face, interlocking them with his.

Hyunjin moved away for a moment, both of them staring into each other's eyes, "I like you," Hyunjin whispered.

"Hyunjin, I like you too, a lot," This time, he moved closer, kissing Hyunjin. Hyunjin chuckled into the kiss, moving away for a moment.

"So, what do we do with this information?" Hyunjin asks him.

The corner of Felix's mouth curled into a smile, "I'd like to get to know you more before we move any further,"

Hyunjin smiled back at Felix, "Me too,"

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