4. Tsukkiyama

81 4 2

Main pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Yamaguchi Tadashi

Other pairing(s): None

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: None

Time: Tsukishima's 2nd year / Yamaguchi's 2nd year

Notes: Technically the song is me gustas tu but it's the french translation (kinda) so idk // GUYS I FORGOT TO POST A PART 4 HELP IT JUMPS FROM 3 TO 5

*In Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's private messages*

Tsukishima: je suis perdu [i am lost]

Yamaguchi: ????? 

Yamaguchi: mon amour tu vas bien ?? [my love you good]

Tsukishima: quelle heure est-il, mon coeur? [what time is it, my heart?]

Yamaguchi: je sais pas [dont know]

Tsukishima: j'aime les dinosaures [i like dinosaurs]

Tsukishima: je t'aime [i like (love) you]

Yamaguchi: je t'aime aussi mon chéri [i love you too my darling]

Yamaguchi: AH THE SONG

Yamaguchi: you fucking simp

Yamaguchi: translated it to french

Yamaguchi: just so you could sing it to me

Tsukishima: SIMP????

Tsukishima: i'm not the one who said "mon chéri"

Yamaguchi: bffr.

Yamaguchi: you call me "mon étoile"

Tsukishima: fair

Yamaguchi: idiot

Yamaguchi: why the sudden sappiness.

Tsukishima: idk

Tsukishima: i jsut miss you

Yamaguchi: i jsut miss you too ml

Tsukishima: p

Yamaguchi: what

Tsukishima: mlp

Tsukishima: you forgot the p

Yamaguchi: one of these days i'm going to block you.

Tsukishima: you love me too much <3

Yamaguchi: damn you.

Tsukishima: :)

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