38. Sakuatsu

139 4 8

Main pairing: Sakusa Kiyoomi x Miya Atsumu

Other pairing(s): None

Genre: Crack (+Fluff)

Warnings: None

Time: Post-timeskip

Notes: This part was requested by @SilentPride09, enjoy :)

*Missed Call from Sakusa*

*Missed Call from Sakusa*

*Missed Call from Sakusa*

*Missed Call from Sakusa*

*In Sakusa and Atsumu's private messages*

Atsumu: my love

Atsumu: dearest

Atsumu: you absolute shithead <3

Atsumu: did you forget the shopping list at home 

Sakusa: :(

Atsumu: baby.

Sakusa: :(

Atsumu: darling i

Atsumu: asdkasdjadsgashd fuck

Atsumu: fuck i love you so much

Atsumu: you idiot 

Sakusa: can you send it to me :/

Atsumu: i am currently indisposed.

Atsumu: lets circle back to that in a few

Sakusa: oh youre shitting

Sakusa: okay i can wait lol

Atsumu: you dont get to make fun of me

Atsumu: youre the one that left to go shopping and forgot the goddamn shopping list at home /lh

Sakusa: i didnt mean to :I

Atsumu: that much i can tell darling

Sakusa: yay

Atsumu: fucking hell stop being cute im trying to be mad at you

Sakusa: :)

Atsumu: good god im too in love with you.

Sakusa: as am i my dear

Sakusa: the list?

Sakusa: please?

Sakusa: im not having the best day so far and my mysophobia is going to go batshit crazy soon

Sakusa: and 

Atsumu: of course darling one second

*Atsumu has sent an attachment*

Atsumu: i wish youd told me i couldve gone instead :(

Sakusa: didnt want to bother you

Atsumu: my love you are never EVER a bother

Atsumu: i love doing shit for you <3

Atsumu: even if i hated it i'd still do it because its you

Atsumu: and youre the one who asked

Atsumu: never forget that

Atsumu: i know that you feel like youre burdening me

Atsumu: but i can assure you that that is never the case

Atsumu: ever.

Atsumu: plus if you ever do feel bad about it remember that my love language is acts of service

Atsumu: always here for you 🫡🫡

Sakusa: thank you my love <3

Sakusa: that means a lot to me :)

Sakusa: and i will make sure to let you know in the future

Atsumu: <3

Sakusa: <3

Haikyuu Text Messages pt. 3Where stories live. Discover now