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Alright, let's get straight into it. I've had a few options on how to write this... But I think I've got it.


"Amiya." A hand shook her shoulder.  "Amiya, stay with me. We're getting you out of here."

Amiya felt too tired to respond. Just a few minutes ago she was on her way to met Ch'en. The next moment, her car was lifted off it's wheels like an airliner taking off from Lungmen International. Except they didn't fly far. The car crash down front first, crushing the driver and killing him instantly. Then they rolled into a ditch. The turret gunner disappeared before the car rolled upside down. All the while, Amiya was hurled and jostled as far as her seat belt would go. If it wasn't for her seat belt, she would have been tossed around the inside of the car like a rag doll. Her shoulder ached from hanging upside down in the seat belt, it was dark, the tainted windows blocking out most of the sunlight. Her head spun, a high pitched ringing filled her ears. Then like a blessing, the door opened. Her comrades have come to save her.

Was she the only one alive that survived? Were the others safe? Those questions ran through her head as her arm was draped around an operator's shoulder, and taken to nearby Humvee. Machine gun fire assaulted her unprotected ears, making the ringing in her ears to get worse. Instead of taking her into the Humvee, Amiya was laid on the sand behind it where a medic rushed to her aid.

"She's lost some blood, but the bleeding's not severe." The cat medic reported. "A fractured arm and it's safe to say she's got a concussion. But that's the worst of it.  Miracle of the day, huh?" There was a loud Bang! from the Humvee above them, and smoke started to pour out of it's windows.

"Let's make that miracle number two." An operator standing nearby laughed.

"Smoke one o'clock high!" The buzzed crackled.

The familiar figure of Ace peered around the corner of the smoking Humvee.

"All units fire for effect!"

The machine fire grew louder as the gunners had a target to shoot. Tracers flew over her head, the crack of super sonic bullets split through the air.

An explosion, and thick black smoke rose from the hill.

"Cease fire! Target down." The radio buzzed. The machine gun fire stopped, and the desert became deathly quiet.

"Guard, what do you see?" Ace asked.

"Just smoke sir." Guard replied, peering through his binoculars. "Seems we hit something explosive."

"Fire up the downed Humvees with thermites." Ace ordered. "We need to get out of here quickly."

Amiya was taken by the arm and guided to another Humvee where the medic tended to her wounds in the back. The car started moving forward, carefully avoiding the burning wreckages of downed Humvees. Then they started to speed up.

"Any idea who that was?" Ace's voice asked from the front.

"No sir." An operator replied. "Although, I can't say I'm surprised, Rhodes Island has been making big time enemies with the Reunion. People like Amiya would have a high bounty on their heads."

There was a loud popping noise, and the car shook violently.

"Shit. One of our tires went out. Is that guy still alive?" The driver cursed.

"No, we all saw the explosion." Ace said. "It must be a wingman."

"Sir, that "wingman" just took out one our tires while I was going a hundred and ten." The driver sounded frightened.

Just keep driving as fast as you can." Ace started to sound concerned.

"Ever notice how every time the sniper took out Humvee, he did it by killing the driver?" The driver asked.

"Do you want me to take over?" Ace asked.

"No no." The driver said quickly. "Just making an observation."

After a few minutes of silence Ace asked.

"You think that was a Reunion sniper?"

"No, as far as  I know Reunion doesn't have extensive sniper training." The driver replied.

"Then who do you think that was?" Ace asked.

"Not Reunion." The driver said sarcastically.

The radio buzzed. "That a Rhodes Island plane?"

Ace immediately scrambled up the gunner hatch.

"It's an AC-130."  The radio replied.

"Rhodes Island doesn't operate  AC-130s." Ace said..

"Hey is it just me or does it look like it's turning broadside."
(Famous last words)


And there we have it

Bit of some difficulties I needed to work out.

Yeah 001's gonna be crazy

Vote if you like, Or not. It's up to you. Heh


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