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Hello my dear readers, hopefully I haven't kept you guys waiting for too long. School is a bit difficult to keep up with, and as the last quarter of the year approaches I'm getting ready for the final exams. I hope you can understand, and with that said-

On With The Chapter!


Holy shit.' Blaze watched as 001 mowed down her comrades with his machine gun. The fearsome sound of the MG echoed as her comrade's bodies slumped lifelessly onto the ground.
It was hard to believe they were in a simulator just by walking through it, and the blood and gore didn't make it any better.

"You getting this Blue?" Blaze asked.

"All of it." Blue Poison radio replied. "Hold on. He's moving."

Looking around the corner, Blaze prepared to start her chainsaw.

"Wait." Blue Poison, started panicking. "Huh-" *static


Everything became dead quiet, the silence was shattered as her chainsaw slipped from her hands, and crashed onto the ground. A few seconds passed when Blaze saw blood dripping onto the ground. Her  blood.

The lights darkened. After a few seconds, the lights turned back up. Looking around, Blaze looked around the simulator room. It was a room with black walls, and filled with circular pod-like devices. In a panic, she checked her side, and felt her face. There was nothing there. She was safe. Amiya hurriedly opened the doors to her pod.

"Blaze are you okay?" She asked, but her voice sounded distant. "Blaze!"

Blaze snapped out of shock. Staggering out of her pod, Blaze saw Blue Poison sobbing on a nearby bench, several other operators gathered around consoling her.

"The fuck was that?" Blaze cursed.

Amiya had a stern look on her face. "I don't know, it seems I have underestimated his abilities by a significant margin. His Arts are incredibly powerful."

Amiya looked around. "Now that you've been given a taste of what he's capable of, I'll have to find him intime for his appointment with Dokutah."


'I went overboard.'  001 cursed, hurriedly walking through the endless halls of the Rhodes Island Landship. 'Now they know, I can wield Arts.'

"Excuse me." A gentle voice says from behind.

001 whirls around his hand going for his holster. He stops as he sees a familiar face. A young girl with brown hair and bunny ears.

"May I help you?" He asks.

"My name is Amiya." The bunny girl introduces herself. "Uh, Dokutah wants to see you."

"Very well. Could you... lead the way?" 001 asks. "I still haven't found my way around yet."


001 enters an office, it was cramped from all of the papers. Behind a desk sat a hooded figure. Presumably the Doctor. Amiya expertly weaved through the storm of papers and pulled up a chair for him.

"Thank you Amiya." The hooded figure thanks the bunny girl. "You can leave now."

"Pleasure to help!" Amiya beams, before skipping out of the office with childish energy. The Doctor gestures for 001 to sit.

"001, please, have a seat. We have many things to discuss."

"You must be the Doctor." 001 observes, he pulls out a pack of cigarettes. "Care for a smoke?"

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