10 (I am officially back in business)

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Damn, 10 chapters already? Anyways, happy summer!

⚠️⚠️ Disclaimer: 

I am writing this story purely for entertainment purposes. I am NOT an expert in Military: Aviation, Operation, Terminology, Vehicle Capabilities, etc... 

All words and sentences in this chapter are purely pulled from out of my ass. If you so happen to be an expert in the field and you want to help me out, leave a comment and I'll fix whatever's wrong as soon as possible.


The ocean of desert surrounding the R.I. landship served as a perfect airport for 001's JAS-39. And today would be the day he showed his skills for Kal'tsit's evaluation.

(Kal'tsit): "Make your final runs. You've got five minutes."

001: "Roger that."

Jamming the throttle to full afterburner, the Gripen accelerated at a blistering rate. Going from 250 Km/m to 700 Km/h in a few seconds, he rolled hard to the right, straining his G muscles, he pulled away from the R.I. landship. Performing a tactical pitch, he rolled out of the turn and yanked the stick back, forcing the Gripen into a vertical climb. 

The small fighter rocketed upwards, slowly bleeding speed. At 3,000 meters, he pulled the airbrakes and flipped the plane over. The ground came into view. Pulling back the throttle to idle, the plane accelerated back down. Gently pulling back on the stick, he leveled out just shy of 50 meters.

001: "Greyhound coming in for a gun run."

(Radio): "Roger that Greyhound, you are cleared hot."

Turning on the Master Arm, he set the HUD to A-G. Lining up the cannon's CCIP sight with a target building, he pulled the trigger. 


The target building disappeared in a cloud of dust as the 27mm bullets struck it's walls. Leveling off, he performed a four point roll. He paused before he pulled the fighter into another vertical climb. Straining against G-Forces, the fighter climbed to 1,000 meters. He pulled the throttle to idle, and did a mongo flip into the apex of the loop. Pointing the nose down, he pushed the throttle to Mil-power. Levelling off at 100 meters, he shook himself off and prepared for the last maneuver. Minimum radius turn.

Kal'tsit: "Time's running out. If you've anything else, make it quick."

Her indifference toward his performance ticked him off. He had just pulled sustained 10G maneuvers for the past 2 minutes, and all she saw was a hunk of metal flying around in the sky.

He pulled the nose of the fighter around to look right at her, standing on a helipad of the R.I. landship.

(Radio): "Greyhound, check your heading."

He ignited the afterburner, the speedometer spun up at a dizzying rate.

(Radio): "Greyhound, do you read? Pull up!"

Inverting the plane, and when he could almost see the whites of her eyes, he pulled negative Gs straight up. Giving Kal'tsit a taste of 22,000lbs of thrust and very angry afterburner.


Kal'tsit enters her office with singed hair tips, and covered in black dust.

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