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I apologize, but there will be a noticeable lack of imagery and description in this chapter.

Nothing much more to say here. Let's get straight into it.


[At the same time at Rhodes Island Landship]

"The Lungmen National Weather Service has issued a Catastrophe warning for Northern Lungmen.
At 5:01 PM, Lungmen Doppler Radar has indicated a severe thunderstorm with the potential power of a Catastrophe. Moving Southeast at 90 Kilometers per Hour.
The Catastrophe is predicted to be moving to Lungmen City. All Lungmen city citizens are instructed to accounted for, by, 5:40 PM. Sudden turbulence near 05:30 PM today as the city's mobile systems will be activated."

Kal'tsit: "Starting moving west, we'll be moving ahead of the city landship."

Amiya: "Are all personnel accounted for?"

Kal'tsit: "Yes, we need to start moving now. Where's Doktah."

Amiya: "He was running around, organizing operators the last time I checked."

Doktah: "Did someone call me?"

Kal'tsit: "Are all operators accounted for?"

Doktah: "Except for 001 yes. We're trying to get in contact with him now."

Amiya: "Where was he last seen?"

Doktah: "He signed out yesterday to visit the city. No idea why though."

Kal'tsit: "He turned around quicker than I thought."

Doktah: "Am I missing something?"

Kal'tsit: "We're moving now. With or without him."

Doktah: "You mean, leave him behind?"

Kal'tsit: "The city is bound for the same course, we'll meet up afterwards."


???: "What are you planning?"

001: "Cause a ruckus, and send a false SOS signal. That should lure them out. I'll deal with the cat."

???: "Suit yourself."

001 headed to the very edge of the massive city landship. The R.I. landship rolled on ahead, as he smirked to himself.

001: "Let's light this fire."


Kal'tsit: "What was that?!"

Amiya: "The city!"

Behind the R.I. landship, the cityscape of Lungmen descended into smoke and fireballs.

Amiya: "We need to go back!"

Kal'tsit: "No! This is what they want!"

Amiya: "But-"

Kal'tsit: "The L.G.D. will take care of it! We need to leave now! The storm is only 30 minutes out!"

Amiya: "Civilians are dying! They need our help!"

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